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MORGAN WAS LAUGHING AND walking with Lauren to her house to study since they have an AP Euro exam the next day

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MORGAN WAS LAUGHING AND walking with Lauren to her house to study since they have an AP Euro exam the next day. Morgan has been going to school with other kids since Tony wanted her to at least have a sense of a 'normal' life. The school doesn't mind a person with powers to be going to their school. Morgan is a good kid, and knows the expectations.

The two girls were laughing and showing each other memes on their phones until Lauren spoke up.

"So when are you going to plan your sweet sixteen?"

"My sweet sixteen is the least of my worries, Laur."

Lauren chuckled at Morgan's response. Lauren already had her sweet sixteen a couple months ago, but now it's Morgan's turn to have one which makes her excited. "You should find a dress soon. I know you are very picky when it comes to dresses." Lauren remarked causing Morgan to cross her arms knowing that Lauren was right.

"All I could think right now is that flying Vulture guy. He's stealing weapons basically from my dad. If I don't at least stop him, and continue to let him get away with it. I will never forgive myself."

"M, you're gonna catch his dude along with Peter. Like in D.C! You guys saved that team from a falling elevator."

"It was mostly Peter who did the saving," Morgan said blankly.

Lauren sighed disliking that Morgan was bringing herself down for a situation that she couldn't control. "Speaking of Peter, what are you guys?"

Morgan looked at Lauren and gave her a weird expression. "What? We are just trying to take down this guy nothing more."

"Are you sure?" Lauren teased once more. "I don't know M, but friends don't look at each other that way."

Morgan rolled her eyes while Lauren gave Morgan a smirk.

"Okay! He's kind of cute, but it's not going to make a difference he likes Liz." Morgan paused, "a lot."

Lauren opened the front door to her house. The house was empty. Lauren's parents were normally home by eight p.m and her older brother was away at college. Lauren's house was to themselves which is why the girls decided to study at Lauren's today.

Morgan went straight to Lauren's room while Lauren stopped by in the kitchen to get some snacks. Meeting Morgan in her room, Lauren quickly took off her shoes and slipped on her fuzzy slippers while Morgan threw herself on Lauren's bed.

"Well, if I were to have your powers, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone didn't like me," Lauren said confidently. "I mean, I would be jealous of myself."

"Your Aquarius is showing, Lauren."

Lauren shook her head in disagreement at Morgan's comment. "What I mean is you have had to have an effect on Peter if he trusted you within a day of knowing him." Lauren tried to prove her point while Morgan already opened her text book.

"He only trusts me because of my last name."

Lauren sighed in defeat that Morgan was not seeing her point of view. Letting the conversation go Lauren grabbed her textbook as well, and started to review for the exam.

After hours of trying to read a whole unit within a few hours the girls felt satisfied for the test tomorrow. Noticing that the sky was dark now instead of the classic blue, Morgan decided it was time to head home. They said their goodbyes, and with that Morgan left Lauren's house. Morgan used her energy in her hands having her fly through the city to get home faster.

She sneaked into the living room knowing that her mom would go crazy knowing if her daughter was out in the city alone. Morgan looked into the kitchen and she saw a figure there. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

He turned to see his daughter. "Wow no 'hey dad how are you?' or 'hi dad how was trip?'" Tony was going on and on about what Morgan could have said, making Morgan started to laugh.

"Sorry, how are you?" She restated her question.

"I'm beat, kiddo, not going to lie."

She gave her father a small smile, "where's mom?"

"I was just about to get to that, M. I have news to tell you though." He started adjusting his tie.

Morgan nodded at her dad allowing him to continue.

"I sold the tower, we are moving to Upstate."

Morgan was frozen causing her to not move. She processed what her father just said. Morgan grew up here, this tower is where she got her power. It's where the Avengers' called their home for a while.

"Why? I thought you loved living here."

"Well, I did but I started to travel then I found an amazing place in Upstate. Making me sell the tower and moving it up there, you were the only one pulling me back, M."

"But what about school? And Lauren?"

"You can do online courses, I'm sure your school has online classes. Lauren can come over whenever she wants. She could get her own key if she wants to even."

Morgan's shoulders dipped, she liked how she went to school it made her seem normal even with the abilities that's she has. Now on online school, she doesn't have to leave her house making her feel like caged animal. Though Morgan wouldn't mind sleeping in, she sighed.

Stark came close to his daughter and gave her a side hug noticing her expression. "Sorry Morgan, but things change. We leave in three days so have your room packed by at least tomorrow night."

Tony kissed his daughter's temple and offered her their handshake. Morgan pulled her arm from her side and did her handshake with her father. Tony messed up her hair, and walked away down a long hallway.

She stood there for at least five seconds to look around, and felt empty knowing that this will all be gone. Morgan went to her room, and changed her clothes causing her to lay down on her bed bringing her fingers to her face. Playing with the light from her fingers made her calm down from what was going on around her. Seeing the energy bounce from each finger, it was memorizing how nothing can keep calm Morgan's nerves than seeing her powers casually in her fingers.

author's note:

i thought we could focus on M, laur, and tony for one chapter getting away from the 'big bird' for a little while. tehe

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