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Notes: I'm starting school tomorrow very off topic but yeha, I'm just saying incase updates aren't on time. Have fun!

Rubbing my eyes, I woke up, sitting up I grabbed my phone off charged and saw new messages. 

"I'll deal with those during breakfast," I groaned throwing my legs over the side of my bed and on to the floor. Getting up groggily I walked out the door and threw the cold house to the kitchen.  

Grabbing the door for the cupboard, I grabbed out my coffee mix and sugar, also grabbing the cereal. Turning on the kettle I grabbed my milk and a bowl, pouring in my breakfast and putting stuff away. Then I grabbed the milk back out remembering that I need it. Ugh morning brain sucks, mind just check my phone. Looking back at the messages from last night I saw a conversion that piqued my interest.  

Geoff: GUYS 

Gwen: Huh? what 

Bridgette: We are throwing a party in 2 days if yall wanna come? 

Leshawna:  Course I will girl

Cody: heck yah!! 


Bridgette: Yeah message me for the address :)

Of course, Cody's going. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the kettle pouring in the water and milk. Putting the milk away, I took a sip of my cup, the warm liquid flowed in my mouth. "That's some good coffee."

 I went and sat on the couch, sipping and looking into my soul because of the tv. Honestly should I go to the party? No, no that's for them to enjoy and their dumb friends. I'm great by myself, just reading... Yeah, no I'm fine with it. Sighing I took the last sip of my coffee, somehow, I finished that quickly but whatever, I need to get dressed. 

Getting up and putting my cup in the sink to clean later, I walked into my room. Looking in my closet I picked out a white button up, yellow sweater vest, black jeans and then blue cardigan to pull it together. I walked out of my room clothes in hand and walked to the bathroom. Standing in the cold bathroom I started to undress from my pjs and as I was fully down to my boxers, I heard footsteps. Cody's awake ugh. I walked closer to the door and continued to change. Holding my button up down as I put on my sweater vest Cody opened the door. 

"Oh. Good morning, Noah" he rubbed his eyes and blinked before realizing that I was changing. "Oh, sorry dude nice boxers by the way bye."

Cody walked out and shut the door loudly. I grumbled and started putting on my jeans. Wait. Did he complement my boxers? I mean okay awkward, I guess. Rolling my eyes, I tucked my shirt in and my sweater vest over the jeans. 

Looking into the mirror I made sure everything was in place and looked good, before shrugging on my cardigan and pulling it on smoothing it out. I turned and looked myself up and down before leaving feeling satisfied. I went back into my room and sat at my desk reading. 

An hour-ish later Cody came into my room, without knocking. And started talking. 

"Noahhh I'm bored wanna go on a walk?" he complained. 

I stared his up and down then answered, "well you can't go out like that dude," I pointed at his shorts and tee shirt. "And if you can fix your outfit sure." 

"How do I dress then?" He seemed actually confused, "I mean I'm not that cold anyways." 

I slapped my forehead and stood up looking at him, "come on I'll get the clothes for you." He waddled behind me as we went to his room. As I got to his closet, he went and sat down swinging his legs. Staring at his clothes, I grabbed a pair of baggy jeans and a very smelly hoodie (the most normal one there.) 

"There here's what's good for the weather, why the hell did you need help with this anyways," I grumbled under my breath. 

Cody smile showing his gap, then he shooed me out of the room. I went to my room and grabbed my messager bag slugging it over my shoulder as I got to the door. I crouched down and grabbed my shoes tying them up, which is when Cody finally got down the stairs. He was wearing the clothes I gave him, plus a red beanie. He looked honestly a bit cute especially since his hair was in his eyes. 

I got up and covered my mouth as he kept pushing his hair up while tying his shoes. Once he got up and was going to go out the door, I grabbed him and turned him to me. 

"What's up-"

I shushed him and grabbed his beanie off of him. I folded it properly and then moved it around on his head so that it kept his hair away from in his eyes. After I was done, I regretted it but played it cool, as we got out and Cody thanked me and kept saying how 'he could've done that.' Rolling my eyes at him we talked on our walked until Cody stopped, and I spoke. 

"Cody, are we turning around or?" I looked at him and then behind him, in which I saw a playground. "Cody if you go over there I-" I got cut off as cold wind hit me. 

Cody grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to the playground. "Stop being bossy for once." Cody hopped on a swing in which he went high. 


Swinging I looked over at Noah who was walking away, so I jumped off the swing and hurt my ankles. I ran up to Noah and pushed him. "Dude come on can't you have fun at least once?" I whined at him. 

"We were only going on a walk like you said," he shrugged and speed up. "Plus, I think it's, gonna rain and I can't get this masterpiece of an outfit wet."

"Old man."

Halfway home I felt a drop of water on my neck which I rubbed away, but I felt another one and then it turned to rain. I jumped and started running leaving Noah. I got to the door and then remembered; Noah has the keys. God Damit. I kicked a small pebble and saw Noah running, quite a sight I gotta say. 

Once he finally got inside, I laughed at his ruined outfit, and he threw the cardigan at me and stormed away. 

 After my laughing fit, I took my shoes off and threw them at the holder. Going into my room I threw off my hoodie and jeans, then changed to my shorts and tee. I sat on my bed and laid down when I felt something soft on my bed. I picked it up and it was Noah's cardigan, and somehow it was barely wet, but it was soft enough that I rubbed it on my face. Holding it near me I did smell rain but, also Noah.. Weird but I kept hugging it and that mixed with the rain outside I blinked softly and fell asleep.

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