Shit, I love him.

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Oh, shit. I thought while slipping down my wall after running. Breathing heavily, I slightly licked my lips thinking of what Noah was going to say. Did I do it too early? Or was he going to tell me he's straight. No, no just stop and breath Cody. 

Getting up I brushed my legs off and then fell to my bed. I'll deal with this in the morning. I drifted to sleep hugging a pillow. 

Sitting on my bed Noah came in and sat next to me, he started talking but all I focused on was the way his mouth moved. Clawing my blanket slightly Noah grabbed my hand pulling it up and behind me, he was so close. I adverted his dark eyes looking around then he kissed me. I was shocked but then realized I couldn't feel his lips and I blinked-

-and I sighed as I was still on my bed. It was a dream, of course it was. My stupid alarm started up, so I chucked my pillow knocking it down, I probably broke it cause it shut up right on impact.  Now another thing I have to get at shopping. Noah's not gonna like that. I laughed to myself remembering that Noah hates getting me a new alarm every few months or so.

Scratching my back, I walked out of my room looking over at Noah's room, his door was shut. Is he making coffee? I smelt the coffee grains as I got to the kitchen knowing I was right I cowered walking close to the other wall. and grabbing my tea when he moved. putting in the bag I poured the freshly boiled water and sugar in my cup. I can't like Noah anyways I'm straight. I've only liked girls I guess until Noah. No ugh whatever I'm going to drink my tea and watch a movie. 

Noah was sat at the table reading as I walked past into the living room. My space on the couch was blanket filled so I shoved those over and hopped right in. The extra blankets fell on my lap and basically trapped me in a warm hug. Feels like Owens hugs. I laughed and grabbed for the remote, after turning on the tv it was on some boring news. 

"Oh the news?" Noah questioned looking over the back of the lounge, "did anyone die yet?" He was talking about the huge car wreak that happened.

"Nope only the kid is in a bad condition." I answered blankly about to move the channel. 

"Why are you watching movies? It's like 10 in the morning?" 

I shrugged down into the mountain of blankets on me, "just so I can get my mind off of something..." I think he knew I meant the second kiss, cause his breath hitched, even though he can't remember the party. 

"You know we can talk about it when you want to?" Noah was sounding sweet enough but deep in my heart I couldn't tell him anything. 

"What do we need to talk about...?" I laughed him off and got up. "I'm going to go into my room." Scurrying up quickly I slammed my door looking over at my closet. Walking over to it I opened it and reached up grabbing my camera. Taking it out of the bag I placed it over on my desk and moved back starting it. 

"Hey camera I'm not great so I've come to talk.." I chuckled this is so stupid. Breathing slowly I let out to the camera what I wanted to say to Noah. How much I hated his stupid clothes, the way he talks, the sarcasm and how he's just perfect. I was wiping tears when I finished, but my door had a sudden knock and I jolted. Oh shit no, please don't be Noah. 

His cranky voice came through my door as he opened it, "I just want to talk Cody."

I got up and opened the door for him. Nodding I walked and sat on my bed looking anywhere but up at Noah. 

Then he started "I know you might've not meant the kiss, but I want to know, did I actually kiss you at the party."

"Well, it was AFTER the party but yeah you did.." I clarified and started to look up at him. 

"Well, is my Cody now getting smart huh?" He poked at me, sitting down on my bed. 

"I'm always smart" I jokingly protested. 

"Yeah, and I'm white." He rolled his chocolate eyes. 

"No? You're not white?" I picked at his skin. 

This made his stupid laugh appear, he pushed my hand away. "It's a joke how do you not know that?" 

"I do but like i-it's a stupid one!" 

Noah laid his hand on my head scuffing my hair up. "You know I see why drunk me wanted to kiss you.." Noah mentioned nonchalantly pulling his hand back. 

"I don't think you realize what you just said" I grabbed his arm. 

Running through what he said his face turned dark red. This shocked me slightly seeing his face turn down and wanting to cover his face. I stared at him in confusion that he can actually look that just not serious.  Even my mind was jumbled looking at him. 

"Okay no I didn't but it doesn't mean anything."

"Like when you kissed me on tv?" I tilted my head. 

Rolling his eyes he stated "well I was asleep so that doesn't count."

"According to Izzy it does" I leaned back feeling smug. 

Then the bed jumped, and Noah was over me with his hands beside of my waist. I breathlessly laughed and looked at his face. 

"Izzy is crazy, we know this."

"I know but I mean she's kinda not wrong." I whispered.

"Yeah, but she's still crazy" he shrugged not moving back.

"So uh... why are we in this position still?"

"Well, I was just doing it to prove a point but now I'm not really sure.." he looked down my face. 

"Then do you want to move?" I moved up and Noah was on me still looking at my face intently.

He leaned against my chest and kissed me. I shivered but wrapped an arm on him. Noah moved his slim hands over the back of my neck and head. Curling a piece of his hair with my hand. 

He let out of the kiss to let us both breath, I moved my hand out of his hair and felt my heart. It was beating so fast it was like sonic. Sonic is a good game honestly. Love sonic but as saying that Pokémon is better. 

Noah twisted his face to the side "what are you thinking about?"

"Sonic." I answered without thinking.

Noah was dumbfounded "I'm sorry but I just kissed you and your thinking of sonic?"

"Oh crap sorry it's just like my heart is beating fast and I automatically thought of Sonic then Pokémon and I have no idea-" 

Noah cut me off peaking my lips. "I would love to talk about games but not right now Cody." 

"Yeah, yeah love to talk about them..later yeah." 

He rubbed my face and got off me. "We can go talk Pokémon now if you want to." He was surprisingly happy to talk about my interests still after I ruined the kiss basically. 

"Are you sure?" I questioned pulling my legs up. 

"Yeah of course I love games." He pushed me "plus I beat you in Mario cart all the time."

He was right but it's annoying to think about, I crossed my arms and turned "well yeah but that's because I allow you to."

"Sureee you do," he rolled his eyes and turned to me "okay now what's better Sonic or Pokémon?"

"Oh, Pokémon all the way I mean you have tiny creatures to collect?!" 

We both rambled about which games were better and which were shit. Honestly not how I expected this to go but I'm not complaining.

Why Kiss Me Again? (a noco story)Where stories live. Discover now