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Finally an update for the week!

It's a triple update today and I hope you guys enjoy it!!!

Warning: Violence and Sexual coercion leaning towards the end of the chapter.


Pete woke up suddenly, his every thought in high definition. His eyes took in every bit of light in the room and he realized he probably slept for too long. The eerie red lights that shone colorfully before were no longer there. He was no longer in the isolation cell but was laying on the bed in Vegas' bedroom.

He tried recalling how he got there but all efforts to remember seemed futile. How on earth did I get here? I clearly was in the cell or did I pass out and the heartless man brought me here? Pete slowly got himself up, even though his body was completely famished from the three days of starvation.

He was hungry and thirsty, and his throat and stomach hurt. He wanted to get some food. He managed to get himself off the bed. It was hard to walk because he was starved. He could think of nothing but his stomach. He took in deep breaths whiles gripping hard to his stomach.

Pete's eyes darted around the room until they found the clock. Checking out the time, it already was 10 am. He sighed as he walked towards the door. It's already been three days and that is why he was out of the cell. He needed to feed himself first before thinking about his victory.

He was out of the bedroom and got into the hallway. Pete walked on, hardly able to put one foot in front before the other. He stumbled several times but managed to keep himself up. Gradually, he descended the stairs, and suddenly, the aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the air which didn't do so well in helping matters. His hunger multiplied tenfold.

At the kitchen island were Macau and Joey. Both men were focused on their business until they locked eyes with the strange figure. Joey dropped his spoon which fell to the ground in the process, his jaw dropping in surprise. Macau recognized Pete from the background check he did on him but not in his wildest dream did he think he was going to see him in the mansion and also in this condition.

Pete was fighting the temptation of taking the food away from the two young men. He was better than that. Their shocked expression didn't come as a surprise to him. Anyone would react that way from seeing a strange man appear out of nowhere.

"W-who are you?" Joey stuttered, still in shock.

"Did... my brother bring you here?" Macau fumbled with his words, shock evident on his face too. "W-why do... you look like this?"

Pete was too weak and starved to answer their questions. He decided to settle himself first. "Can I get some water... and some food maybe?" His eyes moved between both men as he got himself settled at the table.

"Okay... you can have this." Macau poured a glass of water and handed it over to Pete who accepted in a haste.

"Thanks," he muttered faintly before gulping down everything in the glass.

Both men kept staring at him still not able to overcome their shock from earlier. Pete was too hungry for this drama and spoke, "Can you two give me some food now? I'm really hungry."

"S-sure... I'll get it... ready for you." Joey hurried away.

In no time, he was served. Pete bolted the meal so fast making the young men almost choked on theirs. He ate like a gobbler and paid no attention to the curious eyes staring at him. Try starving for three days and you'll act worse than I'm doing. Pete couldn't help his thoughts.

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