Chapter 19

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Warning: Intense Violence, thread with caution.

Quote: Heartless creatures deserve heartless punishments- LhilyBarbie


Pete felt a spring in his steps as he walked towards the basement with both hands shoved inside his pockets. A smirk poked his lips as it had been a long and difficult wait. Spending most of his time taking care of Vegas in the hospital, he had no chance to administer torture to a certain someone. But tonight was the night he finally gets to kill Ken. He planned for days and finally, he had everything prepared.

The basement door creaked open and he heard a low moan, his lips twitching into a smile.

"Still alive after two weeks?" Pete raised a brow, the nearest lamp doing well in illuminating Ken.

Ken's head hung down in defeat and his wrists were restrained by shackles attached to the ceiling by long chains. The position looked like he was about to undergo crucifixion. The sight amused Pete and he couldn't believe he was the person who came up with such a torturous idea.

"This bitch is still alive," Ken mumbled hoarsely. 

"Yes, he is." Pete smiled painfully wide, trying to be strong and not let thoughts of Vegas lying in bed like a vegetable distract him from doing this. He strode up to Ken and examined his wrists, pleased by the burns he saw there.

"Fuck you." Came a weak voice from Ken and Pete almost laughed.

"Hardly something you want to say to your torturer, idiot?" Pete chuckled and picked up a bag from the side and undid the zipper to dig inside.

He took out a cup and held it between the man and him so Ken could carefully observe. His eyes wondered what Pete was about to use a cup for. Pete sauntered to the table and turned off the kettle with its content already boiled to the highest degree.

Walking back, he grabbed Ken's face in one hand and squeezed his cheeks hard together, he leaned in so their foreheads is almost touching, his eyes blazing with an intense fire.

"I'm going to make you hurt, you son of a bitch." He growled making Ken flinch, "and I am going to enjoy every fucking second of it."

He started slow, this wasn't meant for anything serious, it was just a starter. "Since you haven't eaten anything in days, I figured I should give you a little meal. Consider it my treat, hm?" He poured the hot content into the cup and forced Ken's jaw open.

"You fucking bitch..." Ken's words were stifled as the super hot content was poured down his throat, painfully resisting but he was forced to swallow it up.

Pete's eyes were cold. It wasn't the usual gleeful him, this was a completely different and merciless person. One look at him and you'd mistake him to be a long-term psychopath. All he had in his heart now was to make the perpetrators of his man's current condition suffer, wishing they were dead.

Pouring the content down his throat, Ken let out a groan of intense pain, burning through every nook of his body. What was happening to him was death and he couldn't handle it.


"Stop?" Pete snickered, "Why don't you go wake my man up from the bed so I fucking have my happiness back?" The growl was loud and a second cup of the hot liquid was forced down.

He watched as Ken's eyes turned from hate to pain, unrestricted terror. "I told you I was going to make you hurt. I haven't even started yet.

Setting the cup down, he drew a wicked knife instead, holding it up to the light and letting its reflection glint hit Ken's face. "I could gut you right here you know," Pete said quietly like it was a secret between friends, "but I won't, not yet."

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