Malcolm in the Middle: "The Next Gen. Part I

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"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..."

Summary: Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

Part I...

Washington, DC... 2025

Senate offices hallway...

"Hey..." a thirty-five-year-old Malcolm in suit, still a bit on the shorter side of things, various aides rushing about him, eyes camera...

"Been a while I guess...But here I am, post Harvard, post Stanford doctorate, post Georgetown Law, in DC, like Mom wanted me. Not President yet, but well along on my first full elected term in the Senate..." pauses to heed nervous aide.

"See I have the Keplinger file and I want everything verified. And get me the revenue figures for our state, I know the press is going to try to hint I'm taking my eye off the ball at home contrary to my pledge on campaign. Not a summary, I want the real figures." Stern look, the aide nodding and hurrying off.

Returns to us...The group still hurrying along...

"Believe you me, I wasn't sure about this at all. But I was in our State Senate and a sort of thorn in the Governor's side. She didn't like my actually expecting her to answer my questions about her relationship with the head of the corporation funding her political campaign, who turned out to be a deep-dyed extremist nut plotting the violent overthrow of the government after getting zanies like him into state governments. Now our Governor wasn't quite one of them, but she was willing to look away while crazies took over some key offices and state judgeships and started persecuting anyone they didn't care for. And I mean, persecuting...As in jailing, assaulting, burning crosses...One of them, a police chief, advocated for death camps for non-Christians and liberals. So, after we took her 'boss" down for a bunch of crimes from illegal money laundering to illegal campaign finance, Russian collusion, etc, etc, and started hearings on her administration and jailed a few of the crazier types who'd actually hurt or threatened people, she decided to 'reward' me for my service to the State (i.e., get rid of me) by appointing me to the Senate seat vacated by my predecessor, ('cause he died, maybe cause he knew he was on our list to investigate.). I didn't mind too much, she was finished anyway, and there's a real chance to get things done here. And Mom was pretty happy. As was my wife, Cynthia. Especially after I got elected to this full term in my own right."

"You remember Cynthia? She was in my Krelboyne class? Crazy crush on me since she was thirteen? Has these enormous..." he spread hands. "...beautiful..."

"Eyes. What?" staring.

"Oh, you thought I was gonna mention her boobies. Sure, they're fantastic, too." Shrewd grin.

"Senator?" another aide came round to him as they hurried along.

"Excuse me...I'll fill you in later." Malcolm notes. "We're holding an impeachment of the House Speaker. Boy, did Kev screw it when he sold out to those crazies in '23." He enters Senate chamber, aides following...One closing doors behind him, eyeing us sternly.


Cynthia, Malcolm's beautiful dark-haired wife, thirty-five, in her own DC office...

"Yeah, hey..." waves from behind her desk, rising. "I always knew you were there, but I left it to Malcolm back then. But he's asked me to take over for him and we share everything. I'm an environmental lawyer here in DC now and we try to work together as much as we can on certain causes, even though for his mom's sake he's become a political hack. A good one, but even the best are hacks, in my humble." Shakes head. "Still, I've managed to keep him honest so far, though, so he actually is likely to accomplish something." Beams. "I'm sorta his Eleanor, with a real job outside the political, but no Lucy Mercer in the way...Not a chance." Satisfied nod.

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