"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..." Part VI...

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"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..."

Summary: Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

Part VI...

Greasey Khicken, HQ...

Conference Room...A...

Post lunch...

A grim Skyler at her desk outside Hal's office, trying not to listen...

Though damned hard not to...



"You know I never thought I'd like it even more after 50." Lois, breathing heavily. "But not having the threat of another kid..." pause.

"Lois..." Hal, sternly.

"Welll...They do amazing things these days, Hal." She sheepishly noted. "Why I read how a 75 year old woman..."

"Oh, God, no." he sighed. "What are you thinking, honey? We just laid that specter to rest, Susie is outta the house and almost Abe Jr's problem. Life at last is ours to enjoy. To over 100, if Malcolm's research is correct."

"Yeah..." sigh.

"Oh, stop..."

"I'm sorry..." sad tone. "It's just...You know my chief calling in life is to be a mother." Putting up a hand. "I don't mean that in some 'stand by yer man', frightened doormat kinda way, ya know. I know I have other skills, other talents. I'm a good book critic, for example. But...It was as a mother that I found my true calling."

"You're the best, sweetheart. The Champion of Mothers." Fond smile at her, hand on her shoulder, other firmly on her breast. "But like Apollo Creed and Rocky Balboa, there comes a time when you have to hang up the gloves and move on to something else. Or, get clobbered to death by a steroid-pumped Russian who later turns out to be a human being in the sequel." Hal nodded.

"I know..." Lois shook head, rising from the couch Hal had managed to find an absolute necessity for the conference room, despite there being plenty of chair spaces about the large table. He sitting up.

"Oh, Jesus!" Skyler, looking in through keyhole, starting at the sight.

"What was that?" Lois turned to Hal.

"Just Skyler...Skyler?! Anything wrong?!" Hal called.

Uh... "No, Boss...Just checking to see if you needed anything before I go to lunch?"

"Nope! Alls good."

"Hi, Skyler! Say, why don't you take the afternoon off?" Lois called. "Go spend a little time with that nice boy of yours, Walt Jr. Hal's just gonna blow off the afternoon with me anyhow."

Smile to Hal who smiled back... "She's a nice kid, she deserves a little free time. God knows I wish I'd had a boss as ready to give me a little time off for essentials back at Lucky Aide."

"Yeah, Skyler! Go enjoy yourself. May as well while Gus is away, right?" Hal called.

Skyler at door, frowning...

Enjoy myself? Spending time with that needy brat of Walt's? Hell, no.

Still, it's no use trying to get between them and any excuse for a shopping afternoon...

"Well, if you're sure...Thanks..." She got up and hurried out.

"Tough being a single mother. I really admire her." Lois noted to Hal as they sat. "Of course, you know, she does have a crush on you."

"Lois..." Hal frowned. "Don't be ridiculous."

"What, why not?" she beamed. "You're incredibly good-looking, successful, wealthy..." beam... "Fantastic in bed..."

"Stop it..." he turned head.

"Are you blushing?" she grinned.

"It's just...You're being silly." He shook head.

"Oh, please...Heck, it's a good thing Kitty's over her wild period and realized how much she adores Abe. Else I'd be short one best friend, I'd bet." Lois nodded shrewdly.

"Kitty? Oh, come on..."

"What? I didn't pick a good one? You bet I did. And so did you, mister." She patted him fondly.

"Now take the compliment and lets do it one more time. Maybe you can get me pregnant yet." She grinned.


Plane from KFC HQ, Louisville...

"Well, that went better than I expected." Mike Ehrmantraut, Gus' balding ex-cop aide, chief bodyguard, and overall "fixer", noted quietly in his seat next to Gus.

"Meaning I didn't expect we'd all be getting back on this plane." He noted.

"The Colonel can't act rashly...He has an image to protect." Gus shrugged.

"Do you think his offer was real?"

"He'd be happy to absorb and digest us, yes." Gus nodded. "But I've no desire to pass through the gastrointestinal tract of the Saunders Empire, ending up..."

"Shit." Mike noted.

"More or less, yes." Nod.

"He won't accept us staying out of his grip."

"For now, he has other problems...Chickfila, Popeyes, even the King, and the Clown...They're all making inroads, especially in the vegan market. Not a time for a war that would bring bad publicity. He'll proceed cautiously for now. The only concern at the moment being..."

"Wilkerson? He is making quite a play for Hal."

"Hal's loyal...Family, as he himself noted." Gus, carefully. "It's a situation to be watched but I'm more concerned with a nonfamily member of our larger family."

"Ah..." Mike smiled. "Blueman."

"Young Jonas has been getting a bit ambitious." Gus sighed. "And I am afraid he may have been letting his ambitions run wild...Even to a certain rival."

"So, I've heard..." Mike nodded. "I was wondering when you'd mention it. You want something done about that?"

"He's been trying to convince me he's merely seeking intelligence from old man Cathy and his wild son Tucet, as to whether they're going to take the vegan plunge. But I think he's considering his options."

"Not surprising. That kid never did have much gratitude."

"Sharper than a serpent's tooth. Well, we may have to do something about him, in good time. For now, I prefer to have access to whatever he can learn about my rivals' plans. Speaking of which..." he turned to eye Mike.

"The matter we discussed previously? Have things proceeded?"

"There'll be an unfortunate accident leading to a major recall shortly." Mike noted. "It's a pity the Lady never listened to your warning. That sandwich was damned good, though not vegan."

"We should never forget our cause is more than mere accumulation of wealth." Gus nodded. "The health of our, my adopted, country is at stake here."

"Always nice to know we're on the side of the angels, more or less." Mike nodded.

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