"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..." Part VII...

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"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..."

Summary: Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

Part VII...

7:30 am at Chez Reese...The culinary acme of the modern-day food world. Where Master Chef/Owner/God-Kissed Culinary Genius to most of the Food World, Reese Wilkerson holds court and creates daily miracles of the palate.

Striding confidently through the rows of gleaming stainless steel and copper pans, the (still) pointy-haired Reese, in spotless...Thanks to the constant vigilance of his wife...Chef's uniform, followed by his eager, anxious, and terrorized...Surprisingly perhaps, largely due to the grim reign of Mrs. Wilkerson, for Reese has evolved into a patient, if demanding, boss...Minions, likewise in white, if owing to nervousness and the constant upbraiding of Oberfuhrer Frau Wilkerson, less than utterly spotless, uniforms, "Chez Reese", as in property of, one (immediately terminated) wag had noted, stitched on their chest pockets in elegant gold.

"Sautee as if you mean it, Marie!" he addresses one startled assistant chef, whose quick nod turns to sheer terror at Raduca's grim stare.

"Darling?" Reese, eyeing Raduca who offers warmly adoring look. "No terrifying the cooking staff in mid-prep, remember?"

"So sorry, dearest. You!" she turned to offer what she considered a warm, supportive smile to the trembling young chef. "Carry on. You are doing just fine! As you should be!!"

She's really mellowed this year...One of the trailing minions, a sauce maker accepted to the hallowed halls by Reese as bearing a considerable talent honed in years at one of the finest Swiss cooking academies and several years at Septime's in Paris.

"Sir..." a mere buyer minion in suit races up to Reese, wiping brow with handkerchief at Raduca's glare. "The morning eggs are in!" Pointing ahead to where Reese's favorite egg farmer, of free range, organically-fed, hens awaits nervously, with the morning crop. Raduca eyeing him coldly, Reese eagerly advancing...

"Lemme see!" he cries, arms waving. The farmer ceremoniously presenting a small basket containing six randomly selected eggs...

All around Reese eyeing him carefully as he carefully cradles one egg, examining it minutely, gently turning it.

"The board, please!" he turns to the collective group of minions.

"Board!!" Raduca cries. Several falling back to allow the Bearer of the Egg Board in her white uniform to advance to face Reese. He nods and she presents the Board to him.

"Set it here and lets see that it's level." He notes. The minion setting the Board down carefully on the heavy, well-mounted table and checking its built in level, nodding to confirm all is well.

"Egg number one, please note the time and temperature." Reese calls to another minion standing by with notebook as he sets the egg he had been examining on the Board, on its larger end.

Carefully scrutinizing the upright egg...All the others collectively holding breath...Raduca offering grim look of warning to the farmer...

"Perfect, as always Henri." Nod to Henri, the addressed farmer, he, sighing with relief.

"Eggs approved!" the call passes down the line of minions.

"Today's Produce!" a cry from a bit further down where trucks had pulled in with nervous local farmers waiting...All looking over...Reese nodding and cracking knuckles...


The rather fine, though like the rest of the Wilkersons' places, reasonably modest, home of tech giants Francis and Piama Wilkerson...

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