Malcolm in the Middle:"The Next Gen..." Part IV...

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"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..."

Summary: Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

Part IV...

"Mr. Speaker, on May 28 of the past year, did you personally call the PAC named in the indictment as the 'Office for a Kinder, Karing, non-Kommunist America...'?"

Malcolm, seated, cuts from mike to face us... "'KKK'? Can you believe anyone would be so stupid to think they could let this one pass by? Ok, I know..." sigh. "Mom does say I have too much faith in the American people, but Cynthia is a bit more hopeful."

"Anyway, I guess Cyndy filled you in on all of us but the infamous #6 which she left to me...Mom's nightmare child, the worst of us." He shook head. "I know, I know..." he put up a hand. "I get it. Francis...Reese...Dewey...Well, even me, a few times. And Jamie has had his moments. But I swear it's so..."

"Naturally, a girl...Susan Lois Wilkerson." Sigh.

Cut to shot of a beaming young almost identical to Lois at her age, Susan, on the cusp of 19...

"Part fiend from Hell, part angel...My sis. But it's not as if Mom didn't have a premonition that a girl would be her worst nightmare. She told us how she once fantasized we were all girls, Francis, Reese, me, Dewey...And the most selfish, lying, terrifying creatures God ever put on the face of the Earth. Because being girls, we could figure her out." Nod. "Wow..." sly grin. "That would've been neat. Anyway..."

"Nail on the head, Mom, as usual. From age five, Sue was the holy terror of the family...She did things that left even Reese gasping. I mean, Reese, for God's sake. And when she teamed up with Aimee Kenarban at eight, Aimee six? Hell came to Earth." Shuddering...

"Of course, I only have what Mom and Dad and Jamie and Abe, Kitty, and Stevie, told me...Plus video, both home, police, and after a 'Right to Know' inquiry, the FBI tapes...And the times I visited...But I'll just say...Thank God for college and grad school. And my Cyndy..."

("You betcha, lovey." Cut to beaming Cynthia. "But Sue was a terror." Shaking head.)

"At fifteen, she ran away, for four months...With Aimee, thirteen, trailing along.... Of course, Aimee wasn't hardened by living in our house, so she came back after two weeks, but Sue kept on till she terrified these sex traffickers in Arizona so much they left her in the desert, and she called for Dad to come pick her up..." sigh. "Naturally, Mom was at first terrified, then wanted to leave her in that desert... And Dad of course was a total wreck over his little girl...Thank God, I'm far more cynical and experienced in the ways of teens to ever..."

(Cut to Cynthia, rolling eyes...)

"Oh, no she was still a virgin..." Malcolm pausing. "She had too much Mom...Probably Grandma like Francis says...In her to let any guy come near her. And the ones who might have just shot or strangled her found out the hard way she'd really paid attention in Cynthia's Krav Maga classes." Proud beam.

Cut to shot of fifteen-year-old Susan fingerstabbing hulking thug in throat, others running from room... "I said I don't like that stuff!" she, yelling after them.

"After that, they tried the Francis approach...In her case, a convent...Though I don't know if we were ever Catholics...I mean Mom is Polish-American, but..." shrug. "She was amazing there of course, but then, kinda like Francis at the ranch, (though in her case she'd burned the convent down and then realized she'd left a bunch of nuns and orphans homeless), she turned a leaf and got all religious. She actually wanted to become a nun, ready to take vows and everything...Now that's scarey. Reese and I still shudder when we talk about it, picturing Sister Susan in a Catholic school...Horrifying."

"But then Fred...Abraham Frederick Kenarban Jr, hit fifteen and six feet...And Susan, home before taking her vows, fell for him like a ton of...Sulfuric acid. Now Kitty, given her history of going, well, utterly crazy for two years, had had some sympathy for her, even after she and Aimee started really going wild as a team. She used to counsel Mom not to go too crazy over Sue's 'antics'...Like breaking in and pouring...God...I can't say it...Into the school lunch trays... But when it came to her Abey Jr., her proof that she hadn't cursed Stevie and her gift to Abe Sr. for all he'd put up with in her and Aimee, oh, no. She dredged up a combination of old Kitty and Mom...And a war was on. Mom wasn't crazy about it either, Fred being three years younger and barely in high school, though he skipped a grade and graduated early, though I think she was grateful it made Susan forget all about the Church and her vows. Anyway, after a year, when they were still claiming to be sure, Kitty and Mom finally agreed that if Susan got through college and after Fred graduated, if they still feel the same way, ok. And that's where that stands...Except..."

"You have to get me into Harvard, Malcolm! You're my brother and you have to!" a raging Susan about two years ago, in her room to a visiting Malcolm foolishly having agreed to come in to dispense some wise brotherly advice, he being such a genius and all.

(Sucker...Reese, Dewey grinning. "He always was a sucker for that line." Dewey notes.)

"Freddy's going and I have to be there! Like Cyndy and you, it'll be so romantic...And I will never forgive you if you don't get me in!"

Romantic? Cynthia stalked me there for two years. Never gave me a moment's peace. But, well...It was...Fond beam.

"Sue...Your grades, where you even have them, are awful till you went to St. Mary's. You've improved in high school...Despite the cheating scandal..."

"Oh, that..." offhand wave. "I just wanted to impress Fred. He thought I was a total screwup...Especially after I gave up my vows and came home. I knew I could catch up quick, I just needed a good start-up."

And hung around his house all day and under his window all night for months...Malcolm reflected.

"I can still get in. You just have to tutor me. You're a genius and a Senator, you can get me in."

"I can't just get you in, Sue. Even if I had that kind of power, it'd be wrong...And I don't."

"A Good Brother, who loved me..." grim look, then a Loisy relent, given it was a matter of principle. "Ok, then help me do it the right way. Tutor me in..."

"Even if we could manage it, Harvard's not gonna give you a scholarship at this stage..."

"Francy will cover me...He's promised." beam.

Right...He would, just to stick it to me...And prevent Susan from burning his house down...

"He's a good brother. You want to be a Good Brother in my books, don't you, Malcolm?" grim confrontational stance, drawing near...

"Sure, I do, Sue, but... I'm a Senator and a father and husband...I'm in the middle of a campaign to actually be Senator, in my own right. I'm sorry, sis, but..."

Dark look...Smile...

"It wouldn't look too good for your campaign if I told some reporter about...." Sententiously.

Cut to Malcolm, present day... "No need to go into the details there...Lets just say I decided to help her out tutorwise and she made it. Harvard, I'm so sorry. But she has tried and done pretty well, with help from Fred, who's possibly even more brilliant than Stevie..."

"Or...You. Just...Admit it. For...The love...Of God." cut to Justice Steven, in his chambers.

"So, it looks like another Wilkerson-Kenarban marriage is coming in a few more years." Malcolm, present day, in the Senate chamber. "God help us all if they spawn..."

"Oh...How does Fred feel about all of it? Well, I mean you know how my mom's affected Dad since he dumped her sister for her? Besides, it's my opinion, based on numerous observations..."

"Numerous." Justice Steven agrees.

"...Of Kenarbans, that male and female they mate once, for life."

"True..." Justice Steven agrees. "And that had...Better...Be true...For Wilkersons."


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