"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..." Part V...

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"Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen..."

Summary: Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

Part V...

"So, Hally boy..." The Colonel drawled. "I been hear telling you're the man behind the man at Greasey Khichen. The wunderkind responsible for all your success."

"Oh, Colonel..." Hal, slight flap of hands, viewed from his office on phone on video display in the Colonel's huge, Palpatinian/Hitlerian office...Gus Fring, seated, flanked by his guards, quietly listening. "That's just too flattering. I just fiddle around in the kitchen...Gus is really the one responsible for our success."

"Well, you certainly brought the place out of the woods after that chemist guy, White, screwed the pooch." Guffaw.

"Ah, ha...Screwed the...Very funny, Colonel. Well, Mr. White was a fine chemist, I understand from Gus...And his product was the basis for ours. It just didn't quite..."

"It sucked I hear tell. No need not to hoot yer own horn, boy. Your current boss is right here and agrees, I'm sure." Eyeing Gus.

Thin smile briefly over Gus' tense features...

"Hal's to be commend for his successes." Calm tone.

"Good thing for you, you found him...Too bad that White fellar uped and died just then, when Hal boy here came on board. One might almost call that...Providential."

"I'm sure Walter would have made excellent use of Mr. Wilkerson if he'd lived to meet him." Gus noted quietly.

"You know I really wish I had had the chance to meet Mr. White..." Hal noted on speaker. "He seems like he was quite a guy."

"Within his limitations, yes." Gus noted quietly.

"Well, sometimes the deadwood's gotta be cleared even if it's not all that rotten." The Colonel noted, with slight chuckle. "Part of the business...We sometimes gotta be tough to make that chicken...Or khichen..." guffaw... "Tender."

"Well, of course dear Walter died of cancer...Of course..." Gus noted, faintest of smiles. "But the pollo business is indeed, quite cutthroat at times, relatively speaking."

"Relatively..." The Colonel smiled. "Anyway to...Cut...To the chase, Hally-boy. We were wondering how you might feel about saddling up with us direct. Cut...Out the middleman, so to speak." Benign smile at Gus.

"Oh, no...Colonel..." Hal, happily apologetic. "I'm really flattered by the offer but Gus, well...He's family. And we really have something good going here, that I'm happy to be a part of."

Gus in his seat, thin smile...But just a trace of actual warmth.

"Well, now...That is beautiful. Of course, family is all." Saunders nodded. "That's how we play it here and how we became the giant among the chicken...Polio..."

"Pollo, sir." Gus corrected, gently but firmly.

As if he didn't know the word...

"Right, pollo..." smile. "In any case, we understand...Family is...All. Well, Hal, I'll hope we continue to enjoy the same kind of fine relationship we have in the past. And congratulations on your own boy there, what's his name? The Senator...?"

"Oh...Malcolm. Yeah, we're very proud of him."

"Yes, indeed. Making quite a name for hisself up there in DC. Gonna bring down that Speaker for sure, I'd say. Yes, indeed. Well, Gus and I can wrap things up here..."

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