Chapter 18

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Cecilia sat at the edge of the river, the water moving past in front of her, a breeze blowing through the trees behind her. As she focused, her senses took her beyond the sounds of the water and the leaves, to the feel of the faint life signatures of animals as they moved through the forest. And it was there, feeling the ebb and flow of the Force around her, that she waited.

She'd sensed something in the Force this morning when she woke up, and after her normal morning routine of preparing her caf and oatmeal, then heading out onto the terrace of her compound to sit at the small table there while she ate. While there was plenty more to the compound within, from the outside here, it appeared to be a retreat set into the side of the mountain. And that it was, but it was also so much more.

As she sipped on her caf she felt a sensation at the edge of her own signature. A tingling sensation at the door that led to her bond with Obi-Wan. She knew that place in her mind well. For the early years of her life it had been an open door with the two of them swinging in and out towards each other without thought. As they'd grown older, they'd learned how to knock on the door and enter when allowed. Then, when she'd left the temple she felt the emptiness on the other side and had put a wall up to try and ignore the door existed. But it was still there. And when she awoke in the med bay of Obi-Wan's ship that day after Ninjawe 4, the wall had crumbled as they found themselves there, present on either side of the door, pressed against it, unsure if it was safe to go through or not.

Even now, while they'd ventured to reopen the door, neither had fully stepped through into the bond, she felt. Even accepting the bond, admitting their love for each other—it didn't feel like stepping through the door again—but perhaps the doorway just grew wider. And now, she knew that when they stepped through to embrace each other within the bond—the door would disappear and they would be entangled in each other forever. Neither knew what to expect when it happened, and while she anticipated it... yearned for it... she also knew that patience would bring reward greater than the frustration that came with impatience.

So she waited. She felt the hints of a presence on the other side of the door and smirked. He was trying to surprise her. He was coming. To Bakura. Obi-Wan was coming.

Now with a wide grin she jumped up and ran up from the river, through the woods, up the stairs that had been naturally beaten into them over the years, into the compound, through the living area and to a bookshelf where she pulled a book that made the bookshelf slide away revealing a large heavy metal door. Her handprint on a panel made the door slide open and she jogged through the doorway into a long hallway, going deeper into the mountain before arriving at an elevator. It took her up, up, up and soon she found herself arriving at the very top—a landing pad hidden amongst the mountain and trees, only visible if you were right on top of it.

She took a deep breathe, settled down on her knees, hands resting atop them...and again, she waited.


"Are you sure these are the coordinates she gave you?" Anakin questioned.

"Yes, Anakin—I am sure. She told us it would be challenging to spot, keep your eye out."

"And what are you doing, taking a nap?" Anakin grumbled as he saw his former Master leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Of course not. I am finding her in the Force."

"Um, Obi-Wan?" Anakin paused a moment. "I think she may be expecting us."

Obi-Wan opened his eyes, a wide smile crossing his face as he looked out the front viewport with Anakin. There on a well-hidden landing pad was a lone figure, knelt down in what appeared a meditative state.

It was then he felt it at the corner of his mind and opened himself further.

*You were trying to surprise me. You should know better.*

He could sense her amusement and sent back his own. *You can't fault an old man for trying.*

*Calling yourself old only insinuates that I too, am old--and I refuse to admit to any such notion.*

By then, Anakin had safely touched the ship down on the landing pad and they were both quickly out of their seats and rushing towards the ramp that was down lowering.

Moments later, Obi-Wan had his arms wrapped around Cecilia's waist, hers around his neck as he spun her around with a gleeful chuckle. "You're here!" she said aloud. As they embraced she leaned back and gazed into his eyes. "Welcome home, Obi-Wan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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