Chapter 17

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"Obi-Wan—can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Anakin—what is it?"

"What are we doing here?"

Obi-Wan chuckled. "What ever do you mean, Anakin? We are awaiting a strategic report to determine where our troops should head next to ensure the Separatists have disbanded."

Anakin rolled his eyes. "I know why the troops are here. But why are we?"

"I know you are restless, Anakin, but—"

Anakin didn't let him finish. "You promised her that when the war was over—"

"The war isn't officially over yet, Anakin. We can't—"

"Why are you making excuses?"

Obi-Wan was a bit taken aback by how defensive Anakin was being on Cecilia's behalf. Though it shouldn't come as a surprise—since he'd come back into their lives, Anakin had been protective of her. "I'm not making excuses, I'm..."

"Nervous?" Anakin asked, revealing his own concerns.

"It's not every day that one makes such a life-changing decision."

"You made your decision the day you went and rescued her from Ninjawe, Obi-Wan. We both know that," Anakin countered with a smile.

"Indeed, but making such a thing public is—"

"It's what she deserves."

Obi-Wan paused, and considered his former Padawan's words. "You're right."

"Of course I am."

"You know, Anakin—I don't expect you to leave as well. It's a big decision."

"Padme deserves it, too."

At that moment Obi-Wan did something Anakin did not expect. He started with a chuckle but soon it was a belly laugh.

For some reason, Anakin couldn't help but join him. After a few moments, both of them near tears, he spoke again. "Why are we laughing?"

"Oh, just the irony of this moment. For years, Anakin, I taught you to restrain your feelings. Here I am about to dive deep into my own... turning away from everything I have ever known." Obi-wan's voice had grown quiet and much more serious as he came to realize his own thoughts.

"No," Anakin responded, turning towards his former Master, now friend and... brother.

"No?" Obi asked, brows furrowed, as he looked at Anakin.

"Obi-Wan, you do not leave behind all you have ever known, all you have learned and taught. The Jedi—the Jedi are good. Perhaps what it took was someone like Cecilia for you—for us— to see that there was more than just black and white. And that in that middle ground is where true unity with the Force can be found. Where you—where we go—we go to continue our learning, to continue being guided by the Force. And we go together."

Obi-Wan was near tears with pride. "Listen to you, my Padawan. When did you grow so wise?"

Anakin smirked, "Probably when I stopped listening to you, Master ." He punctuated his snide remark with a snort before an oof escaped as Obi-Wan shoved him.

The two settled down again, staring out the window of the ship for a few quiet moments before Anakin spoke again.

"I'm not the only one restless. I can feel you within the Force, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan sighed and nodded. "It's a constant feeling I repress—since Cecilia and I reconnected and our bond reforged, being apart from her leaves an empty space. Strange—I'd grown so used to it before after she left—I blocked it off and filled the void with other... things. Now—now I find that accepting the empty space where she belongs gives me more peace in some strange way."

"Denying it leads to more struggle than accepting it."


"We both have much to learn, Obi-Wan. Do you think Ceci will ever let us live down that she will the the teacher while we both learn?" Anakin grinned.

Obi-Wan chuckled again. "Probably not."

More silence, before Anakin nudged Obi-Wan further along in the decision-making process. "Rex and Cody will do well by the troops, Obi-Wan. We should take a ship back to Coruscant to meet with the Council in person ."

Obi-Wan nodded. "They deserve to hear it from us in person."

Anakin nodded. "Should I go ready a ship?"

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and nodded. "I'll inform Cody and Rex of our plans."


It had been over an hour that Padme Amidala waited on the landing pad of the Jedi Temple. She grew nervous, not because Anakin and Obi-Wan were in danger, but because she knew how monumental this meeting was. Before she delved further into her thoughts and feelings on the matter, the doors that lead into the Temple opened and the two Jedi stepped out.

She bounced on her feet but didn't move forward, waiting for them to approach. R2-D2 sat by her side and seemed almost as anxious as she was. "Is it done?" she asked gently just before Anakin reached her, grabbing her hand, and pulling her towards him in an embrace. She gasped slightly at the public affection, but knew it was the answer to her question.

Obi-Wan looked on patiently but with embarrassment. But he made himself look on fondly, knowing that his friend, his brother, his former Padawan, deserved this moment after being forced to hide for so long.

"I wish I could come with you," Padme said into the embrace.

"You will come when you can," Anakin said with a smile as he cupped his wife's cheek in his hand.

"There is much for you to do here. It is a large task to take over the Senate at such a time, but if there is anyone who can bring unity to the New Republic now that Palpatine's threads of evil are dissipating, it will be you, Padme," Obi-Wan spoke with both honest and friendly admiration.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan," Padme said, glancing to Anakin then back to him, "For everything. And please, tell Cecilia that I look forward to seeing her again soon."

Obi-Wan gave a slight bow, then looked to Anakin. "I'll wait on the ship," he said with a nod before moving up the ramp and heading to the cockpit. Padme had secured for them a slightly larger and better ship for the journey to Bakura.

After several minutes of privacy with his wife, Anakin was settling into the seat next to Obi-Wan. "Have you sent her any communication to be expecting us?" he asked as he looked over at Obi-Wan.

The older man grinned. "No, I thought this might be a pleasant surprise."

Anakin hummed. "Or... she could be irate that you didn't give her a heads up so she could be prepared for your arrival."

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