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-Verbal/Mental Abuse
-Sexual assault (hinted)
-F slur used


     "Clay! Answer me! You know you're nothing without me! You're pathetic! Let me in so I can make you more than a little singer."

     Charlotte had been yelling at me all day. I'm done with her.

    "Charlotte go away! I'm done! We're over!" I stood up walking to the door and slowly opened it "Oh there's my baby!" she immediately hugged me and kissed me all over. It made me sick. "You're late for my shoot come on!" Charlotte was a porn star. She would always force me to got to shoots with her and see a variety of men and women fuck her relentlessly.

     "Charlotte I'm not going." "Of course you are! Maybe you can join in. Who knows you may like it!" I wasn't into porn or having my body used. That wasn't love, I didn't want to be used as a toy. "I won't like it, I've told you this many times!" "Baby yes you will! Just please try it for me? I'll give you a present afterwards!" I knew what it was. It was the same "present" all the time, we would have sex, and if I said no she would just yell and scream. "Charlotte no! Just go I don't want to see you anymore." She looked offended after I said that "Clay. You know you're nothing without me. Selling your body gives so much more money that singing your pointless ,depres-" "Get out." I said sternly "What do you mean? I'm not leaving." I was annoyed with her. She brought out the worse in me.

     I pulled out my phone and called my friend Nick, or better know as Sapnap. "Hey Nick can you get over here real quick?" Charlotte just kept going on about how my music was bad and depressing and that she didn't care if I left her. I knew that last part was bullshit because every time I'd say something she'd break down and threaten to kill herself if I did. "Uh sure I'll be over." I ended the call with Nick and looked over to Charlotte "Get out. I'm tired of your shitty attitude and manipulation." As I ended the door opened.

     "Charlotte, get the fuck out before I call security." I was glad to have Nick as a friend. He knew how to put people in their place and scare them. "I'm not leaving! You can't do shit, and if you did I'd call the police and get you arrested for years!" Me and Nick just looked at each other. "I'll be right back" I said.

     I ran downstairs to grab a security guard. "Hey Alex? Could you come here? Me and Nick are having an issue with Charlotte again." Alex just looked at me and said "You stay down here and call the police. Get a restraining order against her, if they need evidence show them the cameras." "Thanks." Alex walked upstairs and I called the police.

     "9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
"Uh yeah hello, I'd like to report abuse."
"Yes sir, can you go into a little more detail?"
"Yes, I've been dating this lady, Charlotte Smith, and she's forced me to do multiple things I don't like to do"
"Okay sir I'll send police over, what's the address?"
"1790 Silver Rain Street San Diego."
"Thank you they are on their way."

     I don't like calling 9-1-1 it always causes me stress. And being a man calling for abuse from a woman makes it worse.

     After awhile of waiting the police showed up. I showed some of them to the cameras and the rest up stairs with Nick, Alex, and the bitch Charlotte. "Sir, how long have you been dating Ms. Smith?" One officer asked "About a year and a half. She caused me to stop producing music. That was a bit much sorry." "It's okay sir, also what's your name and the other two men upstairs." The same officer asked "My name is Clay Wilson, the man with the dark hair is Nick Armstrong, and the Mexican is Alex Lopez." I sat there as he wrote down the names "Okay, Mr. Wilson we will take you all into questioning if that's alright. Also a random question are you the singer Dream?" I wasn't expecting that question but I answered "Yes, Charlotte is the reason I stopped." After I said that he had a sorry look on his face and nodded slowly.


"So Mr. Wilson was it? How long have you dated Ms. Smith and how did you meet?"
"I've been dating her for about a year and a half, and I met her while at a bar."
"Which bar was this sir?"
"Bravo Bottles on 10th street right across from the sketchy looking pharmacy."

     The questioning went on for a while. The officer asked me questions like what music did you do, how old are you, age, hight. You know the basics. After about an hour or so I was allowed to leave. I wait for Nick or Alex, but neither came out of the interrogation rooms, so I just headed to the store. I had been running out of food so might as well.

     As I got to the store I looked around, the store was small, it didn't have many customers, I a few teenagers, parents with kids, and drunk people causing a ruckus. As I walked down the cereal aisle I bumped into someone. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay." I looked to see who I bumped into and it was this person who seemed to be about my age. His hair was brown and he had little freckles that sprinkled across his face, and his eyes were like nice warm cups of coffee. I got out of my daydream when he talked "Yeah I'm fine but it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going sorry." He awkwardly laughed, "You sound familiar, are you famous, I mean we're in San Diego so like every other person you met lives in a mansion?" He asked and laughed again. I didn't know what to say. Do I tell him? I look like shit I can't. "No, I'm not famous, I guess my voice is just really basic it sounds like someone. And I was I wouldn't know what to do." He looked as if he didn't believe me. "Well anyways, I've got to get going, have fun shopping stranger!" And with that he walked off.

     After I checked out I walked home, it wasn't a long walk maybe about ten, 15 minutes maybe. As I was walking I saw someone being beat up in an alleyway. This was usual for this area and I usual ignored it, but it felt different this time. I put my stuff down in the floor and walked over to them. "Oh hello, What's going on here?" I asked as if to start a normal conversation " Oh we're not doin' much pretty boy. Just trying to put this fag into his place." I hated that word, it had such a cold and depressing feeling. "Oh you're putting him in his place? How bout I put you in yours?" As I said that I punch him in the face then kicked him so he lost his balance. "Woah! A pretty boy can fight? I thought you'd be scared to get all bruised?" I didn't want to hear it I just punch him again, this time so he knew I was done with him. "Get out of here, and next time pick on someone your own size. Or are you too scared you'll lose?" With that he got up and ran away. I looked over to the person he had been beating up and it was that person I saw in the store. "Damn Didn't realize it was you." I laughed, he just looked up at me with surprise and thankfulness "Th-Thanks." "It's okay, can you get home safely?" He just nodded and slowly got up and walked off. He looked as if he was limping, but over all he seemed okay.

     I got home and saw that Alex and Nick were sitting on the couch. "OH MY GOD THERE YOU ARE!" Nick yelled, I just looked at him confused and asked "What I just went to the store?" "DUDE! You looks like you got beat up what happened!!" Oh yeah I beat up some dude I forgot people get bruises and stuff "Yeah I kinda beat up a dude." I said nonchalantly "Dude! Why, I walk pass people get beat up all the time I don't step in! That's how you get killed." Nick was a good person but when it came to getting hurt he never liked it. He was in a band and didn't like getting hurt he alway said it would ruin his reputation "It felt different this time. And when the dude ran off the guy he was beating up was someone I had a little conversation with in the store." Nick looked at me as if I was a ghost "You talked to someone?" "Yes, I bumped into them, and we had a little conversation." He still looked surprised "Nick would you stop, he just got out of a toxic relationship, let him talk to people. Do you like him sir or something?" Alex bumped in "Dude don't bring that up! What if he's sensitive about it?" They were talking as if I wasn't there.

     I walked into the kitchen and put up the little about of groceries I had and headed up to my room.

     Once I got in there I got undressed and jumped into the shower. The shower was my safe space. It was a place where I could wash off all my problems and what I'd been through throughout the day. It was the only time I could be alone and not bothered.

     After I got out, I just dressed and laid in bed and fell asleep.


WC: 1740

I'm tired of the other story I'm writing so I'm doing this one. High school AUs get boring to write, i'll try to continue it but I like this one a lot better so far.

Got get food and a drink! Don't forget you're love and valid!
Take a break from reading gay fan fiction sometimes, it's alright, they'll still be there later!


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