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HOLY SHIT! Two uploads! Damn I'm on a fuckin roll! I have so much written of this story so when I do post i'll probably post two at a time.

Anyways Continue reading my friends~

-Abusive Parents
-F slur
-Verbal abuse


     Dream was back! OMG DREAM WAS BACK! I thought this would never happen! I quickly ran out into my brother room. "TOM! TOM GUESS WHAT!!" Tom or Tommy was my brother, he liked minecraft and video games while I like music and books. Even though we where different we still got along "What idiot? Did Cream or whatever his name come back?" "WHAT YOU KNOW?!" He answered while still playing some weird minecraft game where you had to protect a bed. "Um a couple of my friends where saying something about it. I didn't really pay attention but I was gonna tell you if hadn't found out." "Thanks for trying to care but I found out! And he even liked my reply!" Tom 'paused' the game and looked at me "What is this fake romance still going on, ya know he won't notice you right. He's famous, and we live here, in the sketchiest part of town!" He was right I'd never met him. "Who knows! He lives in Sand Diego too, so he's not far right?" Tom just looked back to his game and started talking to his friends again.

     I walked into my room and saw a notification on my phone:

*Claywastaken started following you*

     Who's that? I looked through his profile and messaged him. It wasn't weird I did that to most people that followed me.

me: Hey!
Clay: Hello :)
me: So you obviously followed me for my love of dream, or maybe you're a simp and say what I look like 💅
Clay: Yea I love dream! I have a couple of friends that work with him
me: WAIT WHAT! OMG! Do you get like, front row seats to his concerts!??
Clay: Yeah sometimes, I have a couple of things signed by him 😂
Clay: I'll think about it 😉

     Wow, this guy was forward. Or maybe he was just friendly. I looked through his page a bit and realized he didn't show his face. This worried me because what if he's like a 50 year old man! It's fine, he wouldn't be. He wasn't creepy like one.

     "GEORGE! TOM! DINNER!" my dad yelled from downstairs. He worked most the time but he was off today. He seemed nice on the outside but, he had his 'outbursts'. They where scary. They got worse after my mum left him (it feels weird writing 'mum').

     He made noddles with chicken. It wasn't to bad, it just tasted cheep and bland. Tom just grabbed he food and headed to his room as dad yelled at him "THOMAS! YOU EAT YOUR FOOD OUT HERE NOT IN YOUR STUPID ASS ROOM! George you stay here I'm talking to your stupid brother!" I felt bad for Tom, he often got yelled at. He acted as if nothing was wrong but I could see the hurt and stress behind his eyes.

     I just sat there focused on my food, I didn't dare look at my phone in fear of what would happen if my dad saw me on it. I just had my own thoughts to keep me company.

     My dad came out from the hallway muttering swears under his breath about Tom. "So, Dad, How was your day?" I tried to start a small conversation "It was stupid, everywhere I went I heard people talk about this stupid 'Dream' guy! I heard he's a fag, and acts all depressed. He's a man, men don't get depressed!" I immediately regretted my question. If he found out I was gay, I'd be dead. Six feet under. Honestly he'd shoot me, he's just like that. I learned to hide a lot of thing because of him. I wanted to move out but I have no money and barely any friends.

Mélomanie // DNF Where stories live. Discover now