Greetings and Rules

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Hello Readers! Welcome to Ask or Dare: SUPERHERO ALL-STARS! A series where you send us a question or dare and we answer or do them!

This series will include all of your favorite superheroes! Whether they be Japanese, American, Korean, French, WHATEVER! If a character has done a heroic deed then they are likely going to have a chance to appear!

You can send any question or dare you want! What you want to know about them? What do they do daily? Wanna dare them to do dangerous stunts? Eat spicy food? ANYTHING!

The only limit is your imagination.

However, there are rules for you to follow, this is a civilized interactive community, it must be respected.

Here are the rules!

1. Chain your request - Whenever you want to put a new request, make sure you post them all together and not individually. It'll get very messy in the comments if you do (Just put your new requests in the reply box of the one you sent)

2. No harassing users - There will be times when we get users with requests that may be horrendous requests it doesn't give you right to go at them or insult them.

3. No R-18 Requests - this is book is rated PG, (though I know some of you won't read this with your parents XD), and I DON'T want anything spicy to happen.

4. NO QUESTIONS FOR RELEASE DATES! - All the time I see people quitting or ending their books because of how they were pressured by people for when a new chapter is released so that is why I am shooting down any of you who will do that. PLS! I HAVE LIFE YOU KNOW!

And that is all!


Uploaded: January 21, 2023

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