What It Always Is

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Waking up was the most tiring thing I have done in a long time. I have not felt this exhausted in a very long time. Using my power so much is making me feel my age.

I woke up and enjoyed breakfast, while the kids slept longer, even Kira. I went outside and sat at the picnic table enjoying the sun.

I heard a knock and sighed. I got up and opened the door.

"Yes?" I asked

"It's Alexandria, ma'am." A wolf said

I got up and went to the radio.

"Maya here." I said

"Hey, Maya. There was an accident at Hilltop. A tree fell and injured a lot of people. We need as many people as possible to get it out of the way and help as many people as possible." Michonne said

"I'll send some people in the morning. Is Judith going?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm taking her with me." She told me

"Alright. I'll send Hunter, alongside seven wolves. They'll meet you before you leave." I told her

I got up and went back to bed. Before the sun rose, I woke Hunter up and made him breakfast, before having the wolves meet at the gate.

"You stay sith the wolves. Don't wonder off." I told him

"I will mom. Promise." He told me

I nodded and kissed his forehead, before placing him on the horse. I turned to the others.

"You keep my son safe out there. No harm shall come to him. Nor Judith Grimes. She will be with y'all for the journey. I expect them to be safe. Help Hilltop as much as possible and come back alive." I told them

"We will Maya." Jared told me

"I know y'all will. Now go." I told them kissing Hunter's forehead.

I watched as they left. They would make Alexandria within 30 minutes and Hilltop by nightfall.

I went back home and started waking the kids up. Kira went downstairs and cooked, while I helped Hope get ready.
We all enjoyed breakfast before getting up and helping around the community.


As I rode in the middle, I couldn't help but enjoy being outside my home. I could tell we passed Alexandria as we rode.

"Halt" Jared whispered

We all stop and I listened to my surroundings. I could hear horses and voices. Judith.

"It's Judith." I told them

"Well let's catch up." He told us

We rode and I saw them.

"Judith!" I yelled

"Hunter!" She screamed back

We came to a halt and hugged.

"Maya, sent y'all?" Aunt Michonne asked

"Yeah, so let's hurry." Jared said

I got back on my horse and we rode off. When we reached Hilltop, it was a mess. Walkers were everywhere. I saw the wall down. We entered Hilltop and we all got off. I grabbed my sword and cut down walkers I saw.

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