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Jennie's POV

I am being dragged by Jisoo to the game room. Lisa followed behind us. I get amazed to see such a spacious room, with a lot of gadgets and even books. I'm always a nerd. Books are like precious treasure to me.

"You can do whatever he--" Jisoo couldn't finish the sentence as I almost run towards the mini library at the corner.

There's so many books. I didn't expected to have all genres of books. I'm a fan of mystery thriller. I pull out a book named 'You'. I absolutely love this one.

"Guess we have a little nerd among us." I heard Jisoo said.

I look at us, kind of feeling irritated. So what if I am a nerd? As if she understand my thought.

"I'm just amused that how can a nerd end up in this hell hole?" She said humorously, but it hits me painfully.

I put the book in the shelf. It's hard to control my emotion. I feel disgusted by my own self. A few days ago my life was normal, enjoying my study, staying in my room with books and music. I was happy.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked, moving close, "are you upset because of what I said?"

I forced myself to look up at her and smiled a bit. "I'm feeling sleepy. If you excuse me."

"Did you not get a good sleep? Did your cellmate disturbed?" Her voice becomes cold, it makes me more uncomfortable.

"No you got it wrong. I just-- please I want to go back to my cell. Thank you for your help." I said before quickly taking leaving the room.

I can't do but to cry of the crime I didn't even do. No one came to visit me. Do they even think about me? I maybe not special like my siblings but I'm still able to achieve in study. Well, it doesn't matter to them. I never get out in the spotlight because of my anxiety. I'm not as beautiful as them, neither I have a good body. I'm just a black sheep in my family. Still shouldn't they come to visit me for once? Or am I overreacting?

"What are you doing here? I thought you're with Z." Rosé asked.

I wiped my tears but didn't turn to her.

"I'm not feeling well. Trying to sleep." My voice breaks in the end.

"Um are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm okay."

I thought she left because of the silence. But I felt a hand touching my shoulder.

"I know I was being a stupid, I'm sorry." She said.

It makes me kinda light up. I look at her with puffy eyes. She scratched her head.

"Um I know it's hard here for a person like you. As I said before, you need to be strong. It's just a matter of 12 months." She said in softer voice.

I nodded only. It's just one year then I'll be free. But can I go back to my normal life after this?


Jisoo's POV

"You shouldn't had said it." Lisa said.

It makes me annoyed, "why not? I was just asking. It's normal."

"It's not. You don't even know her part. Don't speak without knowing." Lisa snapped at me.

I grabbed her neck, "don't you dare to raise your voice at me."

She casually stared at me coldly. Maybe she is the only person who doesn't get scared of me. Well, that's what best friends are.

"She was falsely accused of stealing. That's all I know. No one even came to visit her after they put her in cell." I get more annoyed after hearing these facts.

"What the fuck!? What kind of family she have?"

"So you need to be gentle towards her. I know you have crush on this little kitten. Be careful with her HAHAHAHA!" Lisa laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "who the fuck said I had crush on her? I just want to get close to her. She is weak. I just can't see her getting bullied. I should be the no.1 bully in this cell."

"Sure sure." She sarcastically said.

To be honest, It's true that I'm feeling differently from the day I saw her. Her timid self makes me want to hide her. The way she always gets scared, it's freaking cute. I just can't push her out of my mind.

"Let's go for dinner. Maybe she will be there." Lisa said walking towards the open cell door.

I sighed, thinking about apologising to her. I hope she will forgive me. Wait? Why am I even thinking about it?

As soon as I get inside the canteen room, my eyes searched for her. Unfortunately I can't find her. Gosh! I really hurt her.

"Can't find your princess?" Lisa asked chuckling.

I glared at her. She pointed at the end of the room, behind three fatty bitches, she is sitting. Almost invisible that no one can find her. She is really small. I can't help but to chuckle. I hurriedly go to her, Lisa following behind me closely.

I put down my plate on the table which makes her jump up in fright. I smirked at her.

"Are you trying to hide away from me?" I asked directly.

She gulped down the food before shaking her head crazily. She is damn cute! I messed her hair.

"You are cute." I can see her cheeks turned red.

I can't help but to smile at the sight. Lisa cleared her throat. I glared at her, but noticed her pointing at someone. I turned around to see Rachel. She always try to cling onto me. I don't even like her.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"Can you seat with me?" She asked, purposely trying to be cute.

I gagged in my mind, "No. Get lost."

Her expression didn't falter, as she grabbed my hand trying to pull me. It makes me mad. I yanked my hand away before glaring at her.

"Stay the fuck away from me! I don't like bitches. Fuck off!!" I burst out.

She run away terrified. I turn around glaring at those who were staring at us. They go back to eating. Lisa eating silently while Jennie is looking shocked at my outburst.

"What?" I asked.

"N-nothing." Jennie stuttered.

I sighed. I don't want her to be scared of me.

I put a piece of chicken in her plate, "eat well."

Her eyes light up instantly. Ohh I guess I know how to make her happy. She wolfed down the chicken. I keep on staring at her.

"Won't you eat?" She asked, while eating. Her cheeks are so puffy. She is so fucking adorable!

I laughed, messing her hair again.


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