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Jennie's POV

I don't know why do I need to face such worst things? I didn't do anything wrong to anyone. Or is it true that all bad incidents happens with good people? Everytime I close my eyes, their faces come in my mind. Their laugh, struggling to shut me up, ripping off my clothes, it's all so dreadful. I don't have strength to cry. I just want to go home.

"Jennie.. you need to go back to cell now. It's already night." Dr. Yoona said.

"Can't I stay here?" I pleaded.

She give me a small smile, "I'm really sorry. Officer Taeyeong ordered you to shift into another cell. You need to hurry up."

I get surprised. Why shifting into another cell? Without having any choice, I need to follow the guards. I'm still scared to face anyone right now. I know inmates will bully me.

We passed the corridor where my cell is. We get deeper into the building. My heart started to beat rapidly in fear. We are going to where psychopath, murderers are staying. The guards stopped infront of a room 101.

"This is where you'll stay from now on. Necessary belongings are inside." One of them said, opening the door.

"Hope we will meet again." He smirked, indicating something bad is about to happen.

Even though I don't want to go inside, they pushed me in and locked the door. I turned around to open the door, but knowing it's useless, I back away.

I observed the room, there's two beds in both sides, two big lights, and a window. That's it, nothing else is there. I noticed the bed on right side is kinda messy. I assumed left side is mine. I sit down on my bed. To be honest, I'm scared. What kind of psycho is gonna be my cellmate? What if she beat me to death? I don't understand why officer Kim changed my cell.

All of a sudden the door opened making me jump. I hold my breath, anticipating for some yelling.

"Hey princess. Why are you looking scared?"

I look at the entrance and it's Jisoo! Oh God, I thought someone else. I can't help but to smile in relief. My smiled dropped as I remember, how rudely I acted towards her. I looked down feeling bad. Jisoo crouched down infront of me, holding my hands.

"Still mad at me?" She asked, pouting slightly.

She is adorable. I shook my head.

"Then why are you looking away from me?"

"I behaved rudely. I'm sorry. I don't know how to feel or react."

She smiled, then sit beside me, pulling me in a tight hug.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." She caressed my back.

I relaxed in her arms. I feel safe whenever she is around me. I never felt uncomfortable whenever she hug me all of a sudden. I can't help but to enjoy her warmth.

I snuggled closer, "still I'm sorry. I need to forget about it. I'll be more careful."


It quiet outside. Only a faint light from outside coming inside the room. I'm lying down silently on my bed. I think Jisoo is already sleeping. I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, the incident popping up in my mind. I turn to face Jisoo's bed. It's dark but I can still figure out her. She is sleeping in a straight position.

I wonder what did she exactly did to end up here? I refused to believe in what Rosé told me. I want to ask a lot of questions, then again it's not appropriate for me to ask her.

Thinking of Rosé, is she okay? Did she get worried finding out about my incident and changing cell? Did she get a good cell mate? Ugh! What am I thinking? Why would she be worried about me? I'm so childish.

"Why are you not sleeping yet?" I startled at Jisoo's deep voice.

"Uh.. nothing. I just can't. Did I wake you up?" I cleared my throat.

She turned to face me, "no.. I was not sleeping."

"Ah okay." I didn't said anything else.

I stared at her. She is so beautiful. Anyone will fall for her. I wonder how many guys she dated?

"Who are you into?" She asked.

I gets confused, "what do you mean?"

I heard her sigh, "boys or girls? Or both?"

I get surprised at her question now. Come to think of it, I never thought about this things.

"Why are you silent? Don't tell me you are closeted one?" She laughed.

I certainly have this attraction towards girls. Everytime I see a beautiful girl, I loves to admire them. Maybe I love their soft yet tough feminine style rather than those strong masculine boys. I become nervous wreck whenever I get into school's changing room with full of half-naked or naked girls changing clothes. It gives my tummy this weird sensation. I blushed at the thought of possibly liking girls more than boys.

"I uhm I'm gonna sleep." I hurriedly covered myself with the blanket, closing my eyes tightly.

I heard her chuckle, "cute kitten.."


Next morning, I woke up by the bell. Jisoo is already up. 

"Good morning princess." She greeted with her dazzling smile.

"Good morning." I said, though blushed at my pet name.

"We have separate bathrooms from regular inmates. You don't need to worry. I'm with you. No one will dare to do anything stupid with you." She patted my head.

True to her words, she literally started to act like a bodyguard. She is glaring every single person, whoever try to make a comment. She didn't let go of my hand. As soon as we entered the bathroom, everyone stopped whatever they are doing and stare at me.

"Isn't she the little one who becomes famous as soon as she came?" One of them mocked me.

"Shut it! Do your works." Jisoo instantly make them scared.

I didn't found any stall empty. I guess I needed to wait.

"Why are you still here? Go in." Jisoo said.

"Uhm I'll go later. All the stalls are ful-- yah yah! Stop!" I tried to stop her as she banged on one of the door.

"Get out!! I need it right now." She yelled and the door opened quickly after.

The inmate glared at her but moved out.

"Go in. We will be late." She pushed me in.

Even though it's not right, I can't help but to feel happy. She is really something. After done taking bath, I go out to find Jisoo waiting for me. Her hair is wet, the inmate uniform top two buttons are undone. She is looking hot. She noticed me staring at her, as she smirked.

"Done staring?" She asked.

I felt embarrassed and look away.

"I can give you a good view if you want."

"Ugh!!" I groaned then left the bathroom, not before hearing her loud laugh.


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