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I am the one they call Captain,

I am the one that they fear,

The second my flag is raised, spear drawn,

No guns nor knives are needed, not even

a glare. But you were the one I spotted bleeding out on the deck,

The one who woke up and called me Ed

ward, you didn't even know who I was,

Replaced my leather for linen,

Knives for ribbons,

And told me that I wore it well. Gently tugging the threads

of my heart, folded warmth against the sting of the storm

from confession long overdue.

Guilty not remorseful, a sentiment

we both share, petrified oranges and sugary tea.

They called it an act of grace, for me,

love, you are my lighthouse, and whatever goes at sea

stays on land. Stubbly kiss on the cliff

side, as little did I know,

It would all go downhill from there. You had

gotten caught, lost, that guard wasn't trustworthy,

or maybe it was all me. Silk banyan robe, flowers blooming,

shanty turned ballad as Edward talks it through. Glimmers of light cast through clouds

that turn stormy and grey as he glares and spits. Edward can't stay.

Toe the line, toe down his throat as a sick smirk spreads.

Books walked the plank, every reminder of you

I let slip from my hands, the wind greedily tugging the threads away.

Water rose, tentacles ruptured, gills cut into my skin

Thrashing and growling, a permanent scowl,

black rouge, leather, tattoos, frayed hair. The definition of savage,

crying in the quarters of a lover I cannot forget.

I am the one they call Captain.

I am the one they call Kraken.

Blood red fabric held at spearpoint, so

I'll never let my guard down again.

But to him, always him, I'll forever just be,


Where the Stars Meet the Sea - Our Flag Means DeathWhere stories live. Discover now