Chapter 2

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It's as if dynamite has gone off somewhere, and all he's left with is the ringing voice in his ears. In a trance, he walks away from the sick bay, not sure where to go next.

Stede is alive. Living and breathing. He had dreamt of this scenario the first few nights of his return, when he still had some hope: Stede magically finding his way back to him, unscathed.

Izzy had knocked some sense into him, but... He's alive.

Blackbeard doesn't know how to feel. A normal captain would have thrown him off the ship. A good captain would have shot him himself. But instead, he picked Stede up and ordered for him to be helped.


Blackbeard doesn't notice the voice, mistaking it for one in his head.

"Just embarrassing, Edward."

The ringing in his ears comes to an abrupt end. Tilting his head to the side, he registers Izzy and Ivan shuffling down the corridor, the former leaning on the latter.

"At least you didn't fall into his arms or start sobbing. Ah, you were doing well." Izzy has a nasty bruise on his upper cheek, and his right eye is starting to swell purple.

"Oh yeah?" Blackbeard breathes in sharply, his gaze set into a glare. "Until what, you shot 'im?"

Izzy grimaces. "I had to, Edward."

They've staggered up to him now, at the end of the fork in the corridor. Blackbeard lowers his head, keeping his eyes set on Izzy. "You're just mad he's back."

"Oh no, I'm more surprised than anything." Izzy shrugs, but the twitch in his good eye gives him away.

"Er, Izzy?" Ivan asks, adjusting Izzy's arm around his shoulder.


"Are we going to the sick bay, or what?"

"The sick bay?" Blackbeard looks between the two of them. "No, you can't go in there. It's occupied."

Izzy scoffs. "There are two beds, Captain."

Blackbeard folds his arms, choosing to ignore his mocking tone. "You can recover in your own quarters."

"No, I don't think I will." The hint of a smile curls his lips. "Don't look at me like that, Edward. I haven't got my gun anymore. Those dogs made sure of it."

Blackbeard is silent, trusting his stoic stare to do the work. Internally, his heart is starting to race, as he's unsure what to say.

But Israel knows him too well.

"Why did you let them stay?" He asks in a wondering voice. "His crew."

"I didn't let them do anything."

"Ah, right." Izzy nods. "Because you rushed to bring him here."

"Izzy." Ivan wheezes, now visibly struggling to help prop Izzy up. "Sick bay. Now?" They start to step forwards.

"No." Blackbeard blocks the way. "Ivan, you'll take my first mate to his quarters to recover. Take whatever supplies you need from Fang, but he is not to sleep in the sick bay."

Izzy starts to laugh; a hissing, coughing sound. "Oh, what did I expect? You put on quite a show on the deck, Edward, but the second your precious little Bonnet is in danger, you go right back to the way you were. A coward."

Blackbeard closes his eyes.

"What? You've got nothing to say, Edwa-"

In one smooth movement, Blackbeard curls his hand into a fist, and decks Izzy in his left eye. Ivan doesn't give any resistance, immediately letting go of Izzy, who falls to the floor with a clatter.

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