chapter six, the new mare

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chapter six,
the new mare


THE whole family sits at the dining table as Daddy eats donuts. We all stare at him, confused and disgusted looks on our faces.

"Ok, what is goin' on here? Why are y'all starin' at me?" Daddy asks.

"You look like Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born." Bailey tells him. Daddy chuckles and wipes away the powder from his face, but we keep staring at him.

"What?" Daddy asks again.

"Beau, I am so sorry you have to replace your wife's horse, Melody. It must bring up such a painful mem – what?" Bailey asks Cassidy.

"We didn't want him to know why we were worried about him!" Cassidy reminds her.

"Beau, no one's worried about you." Bailey says.

"Will y'all relax? I'm fine. Melody can no longer reproduce, so we bring in a mare that can. That's how we do it. That's how we make a living. Everything's good. Real good. Real, real good." Daddy says.

"See? I told you Daddy was fine." Dylan reassures us. Daddy gets up and goes to the kitchen, leaving us alone. "He's devastated."

"Daddy, for two years you told me I had to deal with my feelings. Don't you think it's time –" Cassidy gets cut off.

"Its just a horse, honey. Daddy is happier than a cat in the sun." Daddy says.

"And is that cat stuck in concrete or under the wheel of a car?" I ask.

"Thank you, Melissa." Daddy says making me smile.

"You're welcome Daddy." I say as I stand up and put my dishes in the sink. "Now, did anyone come up with a name for our new mare yet?"

"I still can't believe Melody's gettin' replaced 'cause she can't make babies anymore." Bailey says.

"That's too long, Bailey." Daddy says.

"Hey, how 'bout My Girl?" Tuck asks.

"You don't have enough girls, you gotta claim this one too?" Brody asks.

"Fine. What do you wanna name her?" Tuck asks.

"How 'bout My Girl?" Brody asks.

"You realize thats the same –" Tuck starts.

"I do." Brody nods.

"Cheer up, Brody. Jo's comin' back from France today." Cassidy says.

"Who's Jo?" Bailey asks.

"She's our next door neighbor." I say.

"Jo's a girl?" Bailey asks.

"Jo's not a girl girl. She's my girl bro. And, may I say, a better bro than Tuck. At least she doesn't steal girls from me." Brody says.

"Anyone is a better bro than Tuck." I state.

"Brody, if it makes you feel any better, I'm over that girl from the wedding." Tuck says.

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