Chapter 3

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Rory's POV: 

I walked downstairs to meet my siblings and my mom and dad.

"Hey honey" My dad said placing a kiss on the top of my head. 

"You have work off?" I asked 

"Going in late" He said smiling.

"Oh alright" I said smiling. 

My dad acted like me but sometimes he acted sweet instead of goofy. 

"Ugh school" I said plopping my sexy ass down in the chair next to Ryan. 

"Just fuck a girl in the janitors closet it'll be more fun" My dad said with a smirk.

"Good idea" I said pointing at him. 

"Don't encourage the kids to be more slutty" My mom said.

"It's in our veins" Me and my siblings said in unison. 

"Wait wait" I said laughing "The Trolip Triplets." I said and started laughing like crazy. 

My siblings started laughing and my dad's laugh bounced off the walls. 

"Oh that's good" My mom said.

"It's so bad" Ryan laughed

"Alright alright" My mom said taking a breathe.

"Get your asses to school" My mom smiled.

I got up and went to the door and swung my bag over my shoulder. I grabbed my keys and went into the car with my siblings. 

We drove to school and parked. Everyone watched us like we were models. Being popular has it's pros and cons. Being a popular slut, has more cons than pros. The only pro there really is, is the fact that everyone will come to you when their horny. The cons, theres tons. People spread rumors, one time I said the wrong girls name when I was fucking her and the bitch spread a rumor around that I had chlamydia. I didn't fuck anyone for weeks, until Reece and Ryan stormed on the stage at an assembly and taking the mic from the principal and Ryan said into the mic "Rory doesn't have chlamydia whatever bitch told everyone that, we will hunt you down whore." 

Speakig of assembly's we had one today. Me and my siblings went to the auditorium and sat near the front with the group. The principal walked up on stage.

"Good morning Saint John's" Mr. West said. 

"We have been alerted about the food situation." He smiled. 

"We'd like you to know that we've replaced all the cooks and they cook for vegitarian diets keto diets and more" He said smiling.

"What if your on a strict diet of pussy" I yelled cupping my hands around my mouth to project my voice as  slumped in my chair. 

Ryan and Reece and my group held their hands over their mouths from laughing and I just slumped in my seat so he wouldn't suspect me. 

"Rory we all know you're a lesbian! But that's inappropriate!" He yelled looking at me.

I threw my hands up in confusing. How the hell does he know. 

"I'm serious!" I yelled back.

"Ms. Walton don't get yourself a detention" He warned me.

I got out of my seat and got up to the stage and took the mic from him. 

"Who here thinks it's a serious mater that I'm on a all pussy diet" I said seriously trying to hold my smile back.

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