Chapter 5

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Rory's POV: 

"Oh I was think of-" I cut Anastasia off when I heard something.

"Shh" I said holding my hand over her mouth.

I heard moaning almost or something. 

I took my hand off her mouth and got up off my bed. I walked to my door and motioned for Anastasia to follow me. I walked out my door leaving it open holding my drink and my phone.

 I walked down the hall and put my ear up to Ryan's door. Not in there. I walked downstairs and went to my parents room Anastasia still following me. I pressed my ear against the door and heard nothing. I walked through the living room and both my parents were asleep on the couch. 

I though about it for a second and then smirked to myself. 

I ran upstairs and knocked on Ryan's door and then opened it. 

He was painting something and he had a white tee-shirt covered in paint and grey sweats. 

"Matching" I said refering to our outfits.

"Slay" He said getting up.

"What's up" He said

"Reece" I smirked. 

He thought about it and he smirked. 

I walked down the hall with him and pressed my ear against Reece's door. 

Sure as shit I heard loud ass moaning from Reece. It sounds weird but Reece has had a lot of guys over so I was used to her moaning. But this? Oh this sounded like she was being fucked my the goddes of fucking. 

"Anastasia stay out here" I told her. She nodded like it was the plan for her all along.

I tried opening the door but it was locked. Reece never locks the door when she's fucking guys. 

I went downstairs quickly and opened the office door and grabbed the key to her room in the drawer of the desk. I ran upstairs with Anastasia and Ryan. 

Reece was moaning so loudly she wouldn't be able to hear or see her door opening. 

I quietly and slowly unlocked it. 

I opened the door slowly. 

What I saw shocked me to the core.

Reece was fricken naked on her bed, being fingered and ate out by:

"KATE?!" I yelled 

They both stopped and looked at me. Reece looked like she wanted to cry and Kate had no shame at all. Good I like her.

Reece covered herself in her sheets that had several cum stains. I smirked to myself.

"I'll just leave" Kate shrugged.

"See ya Reece" Kate waved as she walked out. She was already dressed.

"You guys.. ARE THE WORST I HATE YOU!" Reece yelled tears starting to run down her cheek.

"Reece's peices you don't mean that.." I said. I was actually hurt. I might seem like I hate my siblings but I love them with every bone in my body. I would take a bullet for them the were everything to me.

"I do I really do. I wish I was an only child" She said as tears came down her cheeks.

I felt my throat thicken and could feel myself about to cry. I never cry. 

I walked over to her and sat on her bed her head was burried into her hands. 

I wraped my arms around her and she turned her body and hugged me as she cried into my shoulder. 

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