Chapter 11

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Rory's: POV:


"I'm sorry your boyfriend" Ryan said

"Well not anymore I guess, we broke up" She said casually

"Sorry?" Reece said

"Oh no it's fine!" Ana said all smiley

"Yeah.." Ryan said 

He mouthed to me 'loco' while spinning his finger that was pointing to his head

I rolled my eyes.

"Who is he?" Reece said 

"Chad" She smiled

I slammed on the breaks making everyone jolt forward.

"Chad meaning Mrs. Whitlocks sticky mistake" I said in shock.

"He was not a mistake!" Ana yelled

"Bitch I know damn well that child was the product of Karen's other school job with her vice principal" I said as I started driving again.

"I- that's fair" Ana said

"Roryyyy" I heard Reece from the back

"Reeceee" I said

"I want Dunkin'" She said

"No we're gonna be late" I said turning onto a street

"Ugh finee" She slouched in her seat

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in my usual space.

"I don't feel like doing this today" I groaned as I pulled my sunglasses down on my eyes and got out of the car along with my siblings and Ana.

We walked in our triangle form and Ana wlaked beside me. More eyes were on us than usual the only people that walk with me in the morning are my siblings or my friends sometimes. No one else.

We went to my locker met by my friends who were wide eyed

"It's not that big of a deal" I said 

"Uh yeah it is!" Alora said shaking me by the shoulders

"It's a person" I said

"Yeah a no one who got out of your car!" Seleste said 

"Oh my God It's not that serious!" I said

"Bitch it is!" Leo said

"Yeah I don't get a ride to school after you laid me but this bitch gets one, doesn't sound fair to me Walton" Amora came in with her hands in her pockets and took one out to put around Seleste's shoulder.

"Ew love go do that somewhere else" I groaned 

Seleste had a blush on her face. 

Everyone walked by it was basically silent. Everyone looked deppressed. It was awful.

"Rory you need to quit fucking people and find love or something" Lexi said

"I tried love once and it barley lasted a month" I said
A/N: Blank space??? So let's be friends dying to see how this one ends.

"And the relationship was absolute shit" Gia said

"True" I said walking down the hall

We went to class and soon it was art. I took my seat next to Ana an I felt an ugly presence so I looked up.

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