Chapter 8

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Anastasia's POV:


My whole world floated around me. Her lips moves against mine slowly. I wanted to back away I really did but my heart told me not to. Our lips fit so perfectly together like two puzzle peices. Her lips were soft, the smell of blueraspberry old spice deodorant and her bath and body works butterfly perfume intoxicated my nose. God she smelt so good. She smelt like her. A warm glow spread across my body. I wanted to keep kissing her but she pulled away. 

I looked up at her with big eyes.

"What the fuck just happened" She muttered turning around rubbing her temple.

"Sorry" I said looking down.

"No no no shit" She paniced going over to me and standing infront of me.

"I-It's not like I didn't want to kiss you, I did really did I just need to process this." She said

I nodded.

"It's ok" I mumbles looking down. 

I wanted to cry. I just kissed this gorgeous girl shouldn't I be happy? I was fillied with panic. She took my hand in hers and I looked up at her.

"Let's just get you back to my place" She said 

I nodded. 

She pulled me lightly to over to the car. She opened the door for me and closed it once I got in. She got in on the other side and she buckled herself.

She started the car but didn't put on music. The drive was silent to her house. I rested my head on the window as I watched trees blur as we drove faster. She pulled into her driveway and got out of the car. I hopped out. 

I felt embarassed almost scared to talk to her. You know when you think your parents found out about something you really really don't want them to know about and you don't want to talk to them because your scared they might bring it up.
A/N: yes  😳

That's what I felt like. My stomach turned I hated that feeling so much. It's like a stomach ache and bad butterflies mixed together. 

I walked into her house and she took off her shoes and put her keys on the table. We walked upstairs and into her room. 

She sighed heavily and fell on her bed. I stood there and took a seat on her rug. 

I tucked my knees to my chest and held them. 

"I do like you" Rory mumbled from her bed.

"I-I don't know how I feel about you.." I said tilting my head. 

Rory sighed lightly. 

"It's ok" She said.

I nodded and rested my chin on my knees.

We kind of spent the day like that just talking about deep things. Going for drives around the beach. Getting food. It was fun. 

I changed into pj's and sat on one side of her bed and she sat on the other and grabbed her remote. 

"What are we watching?" She asked me.

"Hm I don't know" I shrugged.

"Stranger Things?" She said

"Yes please" I said smiling.

She chuckled and opened Netflix and played the 4th season from the first episode. 

We binged the whole season and talked about the show. Now I was laying on my stomach on the end of her bed and she was in the same position next to me. 

We watched season 3 next. 

"I hate season 2" I said

"Same! It's so boring and it's all when stupid El comes in and ruins everything by dating Mike like ok Ms. Steal yo manzs. Stealing Mike from Will." She said rolling her eyes.

"Byler better happen in the 5th season or shits going down." I said laying my arms down infront of me and putting my chin on them.

"Or Will better confess to Mike and Mike confesses back or like Will better come out or Mike and Will kiss" She said.

"Exactly" I said.

We binged the whole show and binged it again and again. 

I really liked hanging out with her.


I haven't uploaded in a while so I just wanted to get smt out sorry for skipping days!

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