Light it Up!

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Taehyung's PoV

It's the biggest hit of our career. The time that we thought we'd be stuck in a rut turned out to be our biggest year yet - busiest, most hectic, and making us stretch our boundaries to things we never thought we'd be doing. Who knew 2020 would turn out to be like dynamite for BTS?! (yeah yea pun fully intended).

I was telling mum how unexpected all this is, and she laughed at me saying it's not unusual for BTS to turn the situation in their favour, whatever the obstacle may be. In fact, it seems like we're famous for pulling off unexpected stunts?! Well. All we wanted to do is bring some smiles, heal a little bit of pain, and share our feelings with Army to lessen the struggle that was 2020.

BE is very special to me. Not because Blue and Grey made it to the album, or because Dynamite broke all records, but because I could convince the members to get Stay into the album. The song is for Army. And the song is for me. It's like sharing a part of our love story with our beloved fans. Its where Kookie's love for me and his love for Army overlap somewhere because it is all the love he has in his heart that inspires his music. And oh, do I love his music or do I LOVE his music. I am his number one fan in the whole universe. Never felt any shame in declaring that, ever. There's no one as whipped for Jeon Jungkook the musician as I am. No one as enamoured by his honey voice. No one as in awe of his talent. Fight me. (You will lose)

I was just getting over the high of this song when it was decided that Kookie would be directing the music video for Life Goes On. Give this fanboy a break. How does one act in front of the camera when the director is his gorgeous boyfriend? Kook had the hardest time directing me. Not because I kept getting distracted, not really... trust me. Okay fine, I got quite distracted with the way he handled direction. Not my fault, ok? Have you seen how sexy my boyfriend is? I kinda lose it when he takes control...anywhere. Hmm. Ahem. Yeah. But also, listen, I wasn't the only one ok? Kookie's hands lingered a lot over me when he was explaining a particular expression he wanted, and then his hands got carried away a little, and he forgot he was the director for a while till Jin hyung whacked him on the head. My poor baby.

Between album promotions for BE, all the hype around Dynamite, shooting for Run BTS,In the Soop,Bang Bang Con, and all the content we wanted to bring out there to keep the gloom away from Army, we hardly found time to fool around, Kookie and I. So we made up for it during breaks. Now that we didn't need to sneak around, it was quite convenient. Not so much for the staff who keep complaining that all they've been doing is edit out us being all over each other all the time. I don't really care... BUT, I do keep asking them for the footage they can't air.

Kookie was in for a massive surprise for his birthday this year. I compiled the footage from our sets into one longass video of basically just him and I being fools in love, not being able to keep our hands off each other. Threw in some shots of the members talking about how they see us as a couple (of idiots) who grew up in front of them, hopelessly in love (I teared up at how sweet they were)... and ended it with me talking to the camera, just telling my boyfriend how much I love him. When the video ended, Kookie was a sobbing mess (of course). But when he turned towards me, I was already holding up our promise rings for him. I didn't have to say much except that I was just sealing my promise to be with him forever with this ring. He knows the rest. He knows everything about how I feel and how I can't go without him for a second. He knows that though we can't marry in our country, someday we will walk down the aisle together. He knows that marriage between us is always going to be only a formality. He knows we belong to each other like no one else can.

Of course he accepted the ring. We wear it sometimes on our fingers, sometimes around our necks. Sometimes we can't wear them, but that's alright too. It's a professional hazard.

Ohh we've been loud on camera this year. It wasn't really intentional in the beginning. I was really sick during GDA and Kookie being Kookie couldn't help being clingy. Our silent communication caught everyone's eye and honestly, there wasn't much to it. If your loved one is unwell, you'd naturally gravitate towards them, no? You'd want to take care of them, and keep them safe. We got an earful from the PR staff. (But my boyfriend and I don't really care. The world's had more serious things to worry about than my love story)

It's not our fault that we LOOK like a couple even if we're miles apart (yeah okay that doesn't really happen), or are hanging off each other's back. Grammy's were a case in point, no? We literally just stood beside each other and the world went crazy speculating if we're dating. I'm telling you, we just have to look at each other and people find it romantic (it usually is)... what can we do???

Apparently our company thought they could do something about it. They made us do this ridiculous VLive which was awkward as hell. You know why it looked like we'd rather be anywhere than there? Because the staff handling the production for this one apparently didn't approve (what audacity) of our relationship and kept giving us ridiculous instructions from behind the camera. I made my point a couple of times, Kookie did too, though out of the two of us he's less rebellious. Sometimes he says I'm still a teenager within. Maybe.

But so is this company. The response to us being loud and clear in front of the camera hasn't gone down well with quite a few people behind the camera. Apparently it takes away from the mystery that is Taekook and makes everything too obvious. Now that cannot be good for business, can it? According to them, the moment people come to know about our relationship, the buzz around it will settle down fast and it will not remain interesting anymore. Like I care.

They fucking made me take Kook on a platonic date during In The Soop, making him say things like he's grown distant from me over the years and such bullshit. I wonder who believes in these stupid stunts when the same company releases Bangtan Bombs of Kook being all over me trying to hide my overexposed chest with his hands.

A platonic date with my bro Jungkook to resolve our differences. Hah. If only they knew what we actually do during our dates. There's nothing remotely platonic about it. And there's nothing that we do that's even a little bit bromantic.


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