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Okay god I just woke up and its already hard to remember this dream. So I was with someone (they presented fem but I don't think they went by she / her so yeah, SOMEONE) one thing I remember about them is that they were very nice looking. 

So anyway me and this person flattened a car with people in it. I know what car it was, it was a maroon red colored car and it looked old. You know the Todfather that Steve Harrington drives in season 3 of Stranger Things? Yeah, it was that car, but red, and it had a thin roof and four seats and stuff. So anyway, we flattened it. I think we did this by climbing up on top of a brick wall (like the one in my backyard) and pushing a boulder on top of it, which then disappeared. 

You know, I assume it was a boulder, but it might have been something else, because the boulder disappeared so that the remnants of the car could be repeatedly run over by a bus driver who's bus was apparently filled with kids? All this is happening at night time by the way, I don't know how I failed to mention that. 

So yeah the bus driver was running over the car, so my friend was like "What the heck??" And they squashed the bus with a giant shoe. It was like a leather shoe, old and I think men wore them? So yeah, then the show disappeared, and the police showed up! 

Since me and this person committed murder, we got arrested. Huzzah. And for some reason the cops drew out the arrest. I don't remember exactly what he asked my friend, but he asked them something, and they responded with something along the lines of "Uhm, we're gonna get punished, right? Something bad?" While I was just standing next to them fidgeting with stuff, for some reason I was smiling at the cops. So the cop talking to my friend saw this and was like "It looks like they have a better idea of what's going to happen to you both. Let's hear it, hm?" And so I say "Arrested!" Literally as he's putting the handcuffs on me lol. And so I say "Third time in the year. Shame, I almost made it." 

This apparently also took place some time in late December, which made no sense because it wasn't very cold. It was cool, but not cold. 

Okay yeah so anyway, me and this person get arrested for murder, and we're brought to jail. It was a weird part of the jail, it was like a bunch of bathrooms all squished together into one big range of cubicles. 

Okay, so the toilets in this bathroom were all spaced evenly apart. The floor was those really small stupid bathroom tiles like in school bathrooms, but it was only white and there was a drain in the middle of the floor of each square. Now, I say square, because there were nine toilets evenly spaced far apart in each square room(?) Kind of, and there was a small hallway on all sides of the square room you were in, that led to more square rooms of more toilets and one more drain. The hallways weren't small, actually, they were just a little bit smaller than the rooms themselves. I'm pretty sure that place was made to be uncomfortable. 

So I left my friend in one of the cubicles and I went through the hallway to the one that was to the right of theirs, and we were mostly alone since no one else was getting arrested at this time of night. So we did have a bit of privacy. I used the toilet and went back to them and they were in a bedroom with bunk beds. 

I don't actually know if there were 1 or 4 bunk beds in the room, and I don't know if there were just 2 or some bigger number of beds stacked on top of eachother in each bunk bed column. I think there were four bunk beds and they each had 3 beds? That means 7 people, and the room wasn't big enough for seven people and it definitely wasn't comfy. It was plain brick, resembling that brick wall me and my friend climbed earlier when we killed the people, and there was a little window with bars that was letting moonlight into the room. It all looked very Little Nightmares-esc, and it was very pretty. My fate wasn't pretty, but the room looked pretty, at least until I was forced inside and locked in. Without my friend. 

Since it was so late, we were told to go to sleep. I think my friend and I got separate rooms because there was only one bed free that didn't have someone sleeping in it. Instead of sleeping though, I sat on the windowsill and looked outside. After a while of this, my friend came into the room and climbed up there with me. Its difficult to describe the perspective for this, because the window was up really high since the room was so tall, and I guess it was tall to accommodate the bunk beds, so I don't even know I climbed up there in the first place. Just imagine sitting on the windowsill of a barred window really high up, and seeing someone come into the room using a door on your far left, and then walking over to you and climbing up the wall to sit next to you. That's what my friend did. 

And they had something for me! They gave me a more dark blue / grayish version of most of the bracelets I had on my left wrist. I already had one bracelet from her, a more dark blueish gray version of a woven bracelet that I stole from my friend. You know those bracelets you make out of the tiny colorful rubber bands? Yeah, that. But a nice color, almost the same as the moonlight and the shadows of the room, which are different I know, but it all had the same blue hue. They were very pretty, and I started putting them on my right wrist immediately, since my left wrist is for colorful bracelets and my right wrist is for more monotone bracelets. 

Yeah, so, I was delighted for the bracelets. I put them on, and we talked a little bit about something, and then this lady burst into the room with a bunch of officers that had their guns out and she was mad that my friend was in the room with me, so my friend got escorted out and then I woke up because of my alarm.

10/10 dream, would totally have again. Also I couldn't find a place to fit this in, but I'm pretty sure my friend had a little bit more freedom than me for some reason, which is how they were able to come visit me. 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now