Chapter Four: Chase

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The drawing was done by me. It's not done yet, but I wouldn't finish it for a while, and I need to update this damn story or I'll lose the motivation to finish it at all. This chapter is also really really fucking long, so have fun. 


I groaned and sat up when I felt someone kick my side. I looked up and saw Tom glaring down at me. "Get the fuck up, Commie, everyone else is up," Tom grumbled as he kicked my side again. "Shut the fuck up, it's too early for this," I grumbled as I rolled over. "It's one in the fucking afternoon!" Tom grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me to my feet. I slapped his hand away and sighed, picking up my notebook. "Alright alright, I'm up you piece of shit," I mumbled.

"Finally. Edd and Matt left to go check out the door I saw yesterday and told me to wake you up," Tom sat down next to the fire, which had been reduced to nothing but a pile of charred logs. "And you needed to kick my ribs to wake me up, Jehovah's Witness?" I rubbed my sides, they would definitely bruise in a few hours. Tom laughed and raised one of his eyebrows. "What, did you think I was going to just shake you awake or something? I should've kicked you harder, maybe then you would've woken up faster, Commie." 

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my head. I looked up at the canopy overhead and noticed it seemed like the sun was up. "Odd," I muttered to myself. "What's odd?" Edd's voice asked from behind me. I jumped and threw a branch from the fire in the direction of Edd, startled. "You scare easily, Commie," Tom scoffed as he got up. "Sorry, Tord," Edd laughed softly and walked back into the makeshift camp, Matt trailing behind him. "It's fine. Did you find anything that could be useful? Spare machine parts, food, water, a weapon other than my single Glock?" I looked up at him hopefully and he reached into his pocket.

"I did find something actually. The best discovery I've made so far!" Edd exclaimed as he pulled a can of cola out of his hoodie. I groaned and sighed as Edd cracked open the can of soda, taking a sip. "How is that helpful exactly?" I asked, flipping through my notebook. "At least I have something to drink. And you didn't send us to a dimension that didn't have cola, so that's an upside!" Edd sipped his cola happily.

"Alright, whatever. Did you at least find water or something we can drink?" I held up my hand as Edd opened his mouth. "That wasn't cola?" Edd shook his head and I stood up. "Great, that's perfect," I looked up at the large broken dome covering the area, trying to think. "Hey guys, did anyone get up in the middle of the night?" Matt asked as he looked down at the ground. "Where the hell would we go, Matt?" Tom asked, shaking his flask to try and see if there was any alcohol left inside. 

"Then why are there boot prints on the ground?" Matt asked. The area fell silent, well as quiet as a jungle could get with all the screaming birds and noisy bugs. "What?" I asked, lowering my notebook. "There's more over here too!" Edd yelled from somewhere in the forest. I looked down and saw the boot prints as well. "Commie, you didn't notice anything? I thought you were keeping watch?" Tom asked. "Weren't you asleep?" I responded, wondering how the hell he knew about that. 

"I told him that you stayed up keeping watch, Tord," Edd chimed in, noticing the look I was giving Tom. "I did keep watch, for the most part. I fell asleep after a bit, but there wasn't anything around," I lied. I didn't want to tell them about the tail I saw. I was hoping it would drag Tom away while we walked or something, maybe that would shut him up. 

"Maybe we should go see if we can move the debris from behind the door," I suggested, looking down at the prints around the fire anxiously. "We got some of it moved already, but it didn't seem like there was a whole lot behind it. Then again, I was more focused on the cola than anything else and Tom was on lookout duty," Edd said, sipping his Cola with a small smile. "Meh, it's better than being out here. Plus, I might be able to find something to drink," Tom grunted as he stood up. I started to follow behind them as Tom led the way. 

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