Prince pt1 'Question'

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The sound of clashing chains aprouch you from behind. You turn and see two guards in chainmail. One on the guards spoke up, "Peasant, we ask you come with us. The Prince has called for you specifically. Comply or else." Your eyes widened. We're you in trouble? What have you done to be called for by THE Prince? Fearfully you let them lead you into the stone walls.

Soon enough you are led into a hallway. You turn to see why the guards have stopped. The poked you with their staffs shoving you forward and you take the hint and head to the door at the end of the hall. Holding your breath and shutting your eyes you lay your hand on the silver nob and turn.

"There you are." A voice echoed, you could only assume it to be the prince. You open you eyes. You let go of your breath. Wow. The only way to describe this room would be extravagant. He chuckles gaining back your attention. "In awe arnt you?" You noticed your slack jaw and shut your mouth with a clamp! He chuckles once more. He stands in the middle of the room. "Come here boy." He orders. You comply. He niels down to your level. "You name?" He guized. "Oh! Uh.. Y/n!" The terror in you expressed itself in your quivering voice. "Y/n, that's a nice name you have there. I would tell you mine but I can't have you spreading that information, could I?" You shook your head. "Now, you don't know why you are here do you? How rude of me.." He stood up and gestured for you to follow him.

He walked you to the extraordinary windows(refer to chapter header) and stopped you infront of them. "I did not call you in here to hurt you, so please, calm yourself." A little weirded out by how well he read you, you continue to listen and not let it distract yourself. "I'd like to start off by saying I'm not stupid, I see the way you look at me when on the common grounds." Shit. "I can feel you gaze is more powerfull than a simple stare at Royalty. No, it's more than that isn't it?" He teases. At this point your practically shitting yourself. "You yern to be in my presence don't you. And I must say, I am quite flattered to be worth so much more than a Prince in your eyes. A boy as pretty as you, it's an honor to be thought of like that." The terror you once had starts to leave and is replaced with embarrassment and yearing. "Sir-" He cuts you off with a shushing sound, "Did I say I was finished?" You shake your head violently. "That's correct, I did not. Anyways, with that information, I've desided to take matters into my own hands because I knew a servant like you would be to scared to say anything." He turns to you atlast. "Last name?" "Oh its l/n" "Thank you."

"Y/n l/n, I ask you to comply with my request for you to be my personal servant. You will hold the responsibility of staying by my side and responding to my every wim. To be mine."

Your face lights up and burns like a fire cracker, you heart beats twice as fast. The request sounds unreal! You almost lose your balance! "I.." "Is that a yes?" He finished your sentance knowing you couldn't. You nod. "Good boy." He smiles. Now thinking about it, you'd never seen his smile this close. "Here.." he speaks up, grabbing your chin with a single finger bringing you closer and lays his lips againt yours. You almost pass out. Finally he pulled away.

"Consider that the official agreement."

(non specific)Prince x Male y/nWhere stories live. Discover now