Prince pt5 'Gardens'

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"This man I swear..," she mummbles to herself squiting her eyes. Inhaling a hold breath she begins to explain. "There are more than this one kingdom, and although you might already know this, there's more than us simply co-existing. While there in too much to explain, I'll tell you the circumstances in wich today encurs on. Kings, gods, deities, anyone whith the authority to run a kingdom is meeting for discussion." She refuses to say on what topic they are discussing but your sure you'll find out. "The prince has decided to hold the meeting at our residence this time." Done with her explanation she spins right back round and continues to lead you 3 around the building.

Eventually your ears catch the sound of the prince's voice once more. With each touch of your heel to the floor you grew closer. He sounded calm but in a forced way, his voice came from his chest rather than his throat or stomach. Although that wasn't the weirdest thing about this small circumstance, he was alone in the room. No one responded back to him. The only sound heard was the rustling of his own clothes while he fixed them.

Finally pulling around to the room it was a huge, and I emphasis this, LARGE, ball room(refer to header photo). He mummbled phrases just lound enough to be heard from down the hall. The magnificent and greatly detailed doors stationed open for the guests. The Prince finally notices you outside the door as you notice him. He wore what he wore earlier only the jewelry on his hands were replaced with a larger pair of the same black leather gloves you bore. "What do you think Prince?" She proposes the question with clear intentions of fishing for compliments. "Amazing Designer." He states without taking a glance away from you. You shuffled your body from the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at. Reading your body language the Prince quickly orders those 3 to leave.

Once assuring you two are out of earshot he compliments you once more. The words turned your stomach in the best and worst way, you knew he could kill you at any second, constantly reminded of this by the sword straped to his side, but at the same time he praises you for simply existing in his presence. He bends down and uses his gloved hands to hold you straight by the shoulders and smother your lips with a few kisses that feel like a thousand. Once he pulls away he chuckles at your stupid eyes that longed for more.

"Alright back to business boy, once the guests are here your gonna need to follow my rules, ok?" You simply nod. "Good, first rule, you are not to talk to anyone but me or when spoken too. Second, you are just as important as me to the guards, if you need anything they are your men. And as for rule 3, you are not to leave my side for the remainder of this meeting, got it?" He tightens his gaze to emphasize his words. "I got it." "Repeat it then." You repeat the rules he stated and you've seemingly convinced him. He straightens his posture once more and releases his grip apon your shoulders while turning his body towards the windows to look out into the gardens.

"These people should be arriving soon, although I wouldn't be super surprised if any of these goons show up late." Gis tone changes from matter-of-fact to frustration. His eyes roll on the word 'goon'. You hum in response not sure of what words to reply with. You decide to share his gaze into the gardens. A peaceful walk through garden filled with fesh vegetables, berries, and of course flowers. The gardeners worked enjoyably, never complaining of their tasks. They seemed so radiant doing the simplist things as watering the strawberries or fertilizing the daisies. You could see why the garden was reserved for the deserving in the Prince's eyes. You wondered if the soil of the garden would one day touch the soles of your shoes or if you could already.

"Prince." A voice behind you spoke. Both you and the Prince swung your heads around, basically in sinc. "Your guests are arriving. They wish to be greeted."

(non specific)Prince x Male y/nWhere stories live. Discover now