Fondness for an Ancient Warrior Part 5

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*Warning for sex between a consenting human and a vampire*

Caius was in the midst of absolute desire for Illyana, pressing his body against hers, inhaling the sweet scent of her blood while he nuzzled her neck. Her soft sighs spurred his hands to roam the curves of her body. He knew she was mentally opening to him, her need as strong as his. Then he recalled Aro's words. Aro, someone who never saw anything he did as outright interference. That killed his lust. He turned over onto his back after releasing Illyana, growling in frustration. "Maledetto! DAMN YOU!" he shouted, running a hand through his blonde hair.

A confused and hurt Illyana sat up abruptly, turning her head to look at him. A frown on her face, she demanded, "What?"

"Not you, love. Aro. I'm sorry, he just makes me furious. Panáthemá se! La naiba! "

"In how many languages are you going to cuss him out, Caius?" She shrugged. "I understood the Italian, but the others..."

"Greek and Romanian." When he saw her brows raise in question, he went on. "I spent a lot of time in Greece...and Romania, years back."

Illyana lay back down, angry at Aro herself. Even when he wasn't around, he was, ruining things. Why did a grown man like Caius allow that control freak so much leeway? She didn't even know Aro and could see he was not good for Caius.

"Take me home please." There was no privacy here, and they needed privacy. Coming here had been a bad idea.

"Are you sure?" he asked, hoping she wasn't angry with him. It was probably for the best he hadn't been able to continue with Illyana. He didn't want to lose his control with her, and possibly injure the frail human. On the other hand, he needed to know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. For someone who had all the time in the world, he didn't feel like holding back. It was strange to him that a mere human, a human he should be hating, had somehow claimed him without even realizing it.

Caius jumped off the bed and held his hand out to Illyana, pulling her up as well. "Get your things and we'll go back to your place."

Illyana began to gather her toiletries from the bathroom and toss them into her overnight bag. Caius led her to the back door, where they got into his waiting car and drove out the gate.

"How does your car just appear when we need it?"

"I called ahead for it. Someone brought it around from the garage."

Illyana didn't believe him. She had not seen him use a phone or push a button. Nothing. Everything was strange here, and it drove her nuts that she couldn't figure anything out in the short time she'd been here. In her life, ignorance was never bliss.

They drove in silence for twenty minutes, neither knowing what to say. Each, for their own reasons, wondered if this visit would bring about the end of their relationship. Aro wouldn't let things end this way. He had expectations of Caius, even though he was a Volturi leader as well. Caius wished he'd never brought Illyana to Volterra. He had learned a valuable lesson, but it was too late to change things now.


While the car was speeding her home, Illyana glanced over at Caius. She noted how fast he was going, this time not just casually speeding. He was running from Volterra and the man he had suggested was his domineering father-figure, since he was obviously not Caius' father. They had also called each other 'brother', but they looked nothing alike. It was all so confusing. Who were these people! Her potential boyfriend had some explaining to do.

"So what was Aro talking about? What were you supposed to have told me, Caius?"

He didn't respond to her question and kept speeding down the road.

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