Fondness for an Ancient Warrior Part 11

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Chapter Eleven

Illyana was surprised to find she was actually enjoying spending time at the castle, following Caius around, wide-eyed while he explained vampire history here in Volterra and answering any questions she had, although she didn't have that many for now. Caius had been pretty open with her once he had revealed himself. But the questions would come later, as it grew closer to Aro's not yet decided change date. He had said it could come at any time. This left Illyana on tenterhooks for the time being, and she wasn't happy about it.

Caius showed her the art room and the library, impressing her immensely. She ran her hands over the old volumes and manuscripts, most in languages she didn't understand. Maybe, someday she would. He was proud of their collection, and told his mate she could read anything she chose. Some manuscripts were in old English, so she thought those might be easier to start with and fun to decipher.

He showed her the kitchen where their human chef would cook for any of their human helpers and guests. Illyana was surprised to hear so many local authorities worked with the Volturi. She had to admit to herself, this world was very different from the outside world, but she still worried it was not for her. It was so enclosed and had its own rules. She wanted Caius in her world, but in truth, she would love being with him anywhere. Her fear of eternal boredom was still real. Illyana hoped Aro would keep to his word that they could live on the farm and come to Volterra when needed.

"So if I'm hungry, I come here for my meals?" Illyana asked, her tummy already rumbling.

Caius replied, "Yes, but come with an escort. If not me, ask Felix or Demetri to come with you. You will be better protected that way."

"Well, my darling, I'm hungry now, and you are my favourite escort. Do you think the chef has anything already prepared?"

"I'm sorry, love. I had forgotten." Caius hugged Illyana, then kissed her until he heard her stomach making noises again. He saw her blush with embarrassment, making her even more beautiful than usual. "Let's get you something to eat before you wake the dead." Her eyes widened when Caius laughed. "I'm kidding, love. We don't keep dead people lying around." She was frowning now. "Food. Eat." He kissed the tip of her nose and wrapped an arm around her, leading her back to the kitchen to speak with the chef.

They sat at a table in the corner, waiting for the friendly chef to fill a bowl with some fresh-made pasta e fagioli. Illyana looked at the steaming soup and warm bread he brought over a few minutes later with hungry eyes. Is this how she would look upon humans once Caius changed her? Food that made her stomach rumble with hunger?

"Caius, when you look at food like this, does it do anything for you? You know, make you feel hungry? I guess what I'm asking is, will human food just suddenly stop stimulating my appetite?"

He thought a moment. "I'm sorry, my love. I really don't remember. It was so long ago. Now finish your meal, so I can introduce you to the Elite guards. Felix and Demetri, you've already met, but you should know the others."

Illyana ate the soup and buttered bread, enjoying every bite. It wasn't a feast, but it satisfied her hunger for now. She handed her dishes to the chef, thanking him, " Grazie per la zuppa. È stato delizioso."

Leaving the kitchen, she followed Caius into a long corridor. They turned and entered a large room, where several guards were working out. Some sparred with each other, while some used the fitness equipment.

Illyana knew she was protected by Caius and from what, although it unnerved her to think of the dangers here inside the castle. She would have to trust them all in the end. What else could she do?

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