Fondness for an Ancient Warrior Part 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Illyana sat at the dining table, cutting up vegetables for a stew she was making for supper tonight. She had asked Pietro to invite his girlfriend over for a meal so that everyone could meet one another. He had happily reported she said yes. He was eager to show her off to his employers, Illyana and Caius.

Illyana was eager to meet Pietro's girlfriend, and feeling protective of her young groom, it meant checking out the woman who had lured him in. Ok, maybe not lured, but still, Pietro was sweet and innocent of the ways of the world. Illyana was impressed, however, in how he had handled the Volturi. It was as if he knew something was off about them, so had protected her by being less than truthful to their questions. This was why she had to protect him in turn.

Once the vegetables were cut up, Illyana browned some beef tips with onion, then added the rest of the ingredients into the Dutch oven. Setting the proper heat on the stove, she washed up and looked out the window over the sink, her mind wandering. She returned to reality when Caius came up behind her, his arms slipping around her waist, pulling her flush against him.

"Where are you, my love? Are you worried about the dinner tonight?"

"Maybe, Caius. What if we don't like her?" Illyana queried, her hands holding onto Caius' arms.

"Why wouldn't we like her. You're looking for something to go wrong before they've even arrived. " He nuzzled the back of her neck, trying to distract his mate from the negative thoughts she was having. "Here now. The meal will need time to cook. I want you to sit down and relax. Help me think up an idea to explain why I'm not eating your delicious stew." He led Illyana to the sofa and set her down, sitting next to her. "It's not like Pietro's a little brother you have to take care of. You worry too much about him, love."

"Well, lately, I feel there are things to be worried about." She found her palms damp, so wiped them on her slacks. She'd never felt this nervous before, not even before her first date with Caius.

"Do you have some sort of sixth sense, love? You're trembling." Caius tightened his arm around her shoulders.

"Caius, something is wrong, but please don't ask me what. I couldn't tell you."

Spending the time together, Caius tried diverting Illyana by telling her about his past, stories he had not already told her that he felt might appeal to her military background. When he felt the trembling stop, he kissed her temple and let her lean against him, her eyes closed.

It was a couple of hours later when they heard a knock coming from the front door. Illyana and Caius went together to answer it. As expected, they opened the door to see Pietro and a beautiful young woman with short brown hair standing on the porch. Illyana welcomed them in with Caius shaking Pietro's hand as if he weren't their employee. "Buonasera, Pietro."

"Buonasera, Signor Caius, Signora Illyana. Questa è la mia ragazza, Carina. My darling, these are my employers and friends, Caius and Illyana."

Illyana looked at the woman at her groom's side while keeping a polite smile on her face. She glanced at Caius and then at Pietro. Pulling him aside, Illyana said, "Monarch has been kicking his stall today. I hate to ask you, Pietro, but can you please check on him, make sure nothing is wrong? It may just be a mouse causing him anxiety, but if you could just check. Then dinner will be ready by the time you return."

"Oh, Signora, do not worry. I will see to Monarch and be right back." He turned to his date and whispered, "Torno subito, amore mio." He gave her a kiss on her cheek and ran out to the barn.

Once Pietro had left, both Caius and Illyana turned to face the young woman. "Who are you?" Illyana hissed low.

"What do you mean, Signora. I am Carina, Pietro's girlfriend. I met him at the University." The young woman looked worried.

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