Fondness for an Ancient Warrior Part 10

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Chapter Ten

"Demetri, join us in our hotel room." Caius gave the guard what sounded like an order, his tone different than when he spoke with her. It fascinated Illyana, who had never seen him in his Volturi master role until now.

"Yes, Master Caius," Demetri replied.

Caius put on the long bath robe he was using to cover up his sun-lit skin, while Illyana donned her shorter beach cover-up, because as a human, she had no vampire skin to worry about exposing. She grabbed up the blanket and beach umbrella, and was about to move to Caius' side, when the Volturi guard took the items from her hands, carrying them himself.

"I could have managed, Demetri," she chided him.

He only gave her a small smile, and walked ahead to the waiting taxi the guard had used to come to the beach.

"Thank you," she called out from behind him. She shook her head as she watched him outwalk her. He was not moving as fast as he could have, but was still faster than she was. "Vampires," she grumbled.

Strolling beside Caius, Illyana was unsure as to the conversation he'd had with Aro. To be honest, she hadn't even bothered to eavesdrop. She knew Caius agreed more with her than his own Volturi family members. Then, when she remembered that those family members would be her family members, she let out a groan.

"Is something wrong, tesoro?" Caius asked, turning to give his mate a worried look.

Illyana laughed. "No, I was just suddenly aware who my in-laws will be."

Caius placed his hand on the small of her back. "Does that frighten you?"

"I don't think so. I can hold my own with Aro, as long as you keep him from killing me. The others...I don't know them. Is Demetri a friendly sort?"

"That depends on if you're running from him," Caius joked. When he saw her not responding to his jest, he rubbed her back comfortingly. Was she more worried than she was admitting.

Caius and Illyana sat in the back of the taxi, while Demetri rode with up front with the driver. They both spoke easily in Japanese, until the driver admitted he wanted to practice his English, so Demetri switched to oblige the man. Illyana wondered how many languages Caius and Demetri knew.

Once they reached the hotel and had arrived at their room, Illyana excused herself to shower the beach off her body and from her hair, toweling off the water in a leisurely manner. The day had been relaxing, for the most part, even if Aro managed to interrupt their peace.

Slipping on panties and a light weight nightgown and robe, Illyana joined Caius and Demetri while they talked in the living room.

Caius rose, greeting Illyana when she approached the sofa. He stroked her cheek, then let his fingers caress her chin while his thumb lightly rubbed her lower lip. She let her eyes close briefly, before she felt her mate kiss her. He sat back down on the sofa, while Illyana sat beside him. She nestled up against his cool body, noticing Demetri smirking at her.

The trio talked for almost an hour, Caius and Demetri discussing home in Volterra, vampire history, and stories from their own lives when they were human. The one topic they avoided was the transformation process. Caius wanted to save that until they returned home. He had planned to explain it to his mate in more detail in private, so that she wouldn't be afraid when it was time.

Just before midnight, Illyana told Caius, "Love, I'm very tired. That always happens when I'm out in the sun all day. You can stay and talk with Demetri if you wish. I think I'll be out like a light anyway."

The blonde vampire led his mate to the bedroom and kissed her, rubbing his nose against hers. "You sleep, amore mio." He nuzzled her cheek and the side of her neck, giving her goosebumps as usual, then he kissed her deeply. Once he saw her comfortable and already nearly asleep, he went back into the living room.

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