Fondness for an Ancient Warrior Part 7

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*Alert for human/vampire sex, and vampire violence*

Rather than having to endure the sounds of the frequent rutting of his brother Caius with his new mate, Aro gave them permission to return to her farm as soon as they wanted to leave. He reminded them of the deadline for her change, whether it was done by Caius at the farm, or here at the castle so that Illyana could be watched during her transformation. Illyana gave Aro a smile that hinted at rebellion, but he countered it with an expression of warning. He rather enjoyed the defiance she exhibited. What an exquisite vampire she would make with that fiery personality. It was a pity, however, she had no gifts to bring to the coven. Dismissing them with a wave of his hand, Aro bade Caius and Illyana goodbye.

They returned to his chambers where Caius packed up most of his clothing, leaving some behind for those inevitable visits to the castle when they were called back. The farmhouse was not very large, with not nearly enough space to store all of his treasures. They would have to stay behind, safe at the castle. Perhaps some day, he and Illyana would end up spending more time in Volterra, and less at the farm. For now, Caius wanted her to be happy, and if that meant living at the farm, he would indulge her.

Caius threw his belongings into the trunk of his car, then got in with a waiting Illyana. He first dropped her off where she had left her own car, then both drove separately back to the farm. Caius wanted his vehicle with him, since it was the newer of the two.

Once there, Caius helped Illyana out of her older vehicle, suppressing his smirk. "We can use mine when we need to go somewhere beyond a couple miles."

"Hey, don't make fun of the Gnome mobile!" She stared at him, her hands on her hips.

Caius gave her a raised-brow look.

"All right, all right. If we drive beyond the front gate, we take yours. I did make it to Volterra and back, as you can see."

Without warning, Caius swept Illyana up in his arms, and climbed the porch steps. He was about to enter through her front door when she demanded, "What's this all about? Put me down!"

"Don't husbands carry their wives over the threshold of their first home together?" There was a mischievous glint in Caius' eyes.

Illyana smiled, her arms around his neck. "Husbands? Wives? Vampires don't use those terms, I assumed."

"Mates, actually. But I've already claimed you as mine, and you claimed me long before that. If you want a ring to show the world you and I belong together, I'll purchase one for you."

"What about you?" she asked, smirking at him.

"Me?" he responded, puzzled.

"If you buy me a ring, I will want to buy one for you as well."

Caius gave her a crooked smile. "If you wish, Miss Independence." He went on inside and stood in the middle of the living room, still holding her in his arms.

"It worked, didn't it. I think Aro will leave us alone for the most part." Illyana laughed, enjoying being held by her mate, a term she would have to get used to. Giving Caius a challenging stare, knowing the rewards could be worth it if he became annoyingly amused. "You can put me down now, vampire."

"I'll put you down when and where I feel like it, human." He strode into the bedroom and placed Illyana on her feet. He stood next to her, his hands on his waist, looking around, saying, "So, this is our bedroom. Yours and mine together."

She looked at Caius, remarking, "Yes, but you don't sleep."

"No, I don't, and soon, neither will you, but the bed will not go unused."

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