Breaking Silence - Fantasy/Romance

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Title: Breaking Silence

Author: AshleyM101

Summary: She was here to find out if it was time for the elf folk to come back down and show themselves to the humans. If they weren’t ready now after 1000 years then they may never be ready. They were left alone to sort out their wars and cruelty, now they should be ready to admit their mistakes and learn from them.

My Thoughts: This is not Teen Fiction, so just an early reminder. Anyway, the writing style is very lovely—the flow of thoughts from the main characters is charming and not hard to understand for readers that have difficultly understanding more complicated words. The thing with both points of view (in third person) gives more insight on the romantic development and how each character interpretted the other.

Anyway, this story showcases two points of view: the elf and the man. What I love about this fantasy story is that it doesn't give you an info-dump in the very first chapter. The author lets things unravel themselves as they go instead of giving you randomly generated names and clans which can be tedious. Anyway, if you're looking for a fantasy/romance story, you should check it out! (External link on the side)

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