Broken Melody - Non-Teen Fiction/Short Story

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Title: Broken Melody

Author: JoElizabeth

Summary: The way in which we perceive others is skewed. When we see a blind man, we see nothing of his shattered past, nothing of the brilliant life he once led. We only see an old man and his battered violin...

My Thoughts: There was a moment in my life where I was obsessed with reading stories about violins. That's probably because I play the violin and I just recently finished a book about a symphony violin girl. So after that, I went on a violin-obsessed search rampage and I found this short story.

This story was written for a writing challenge. What is it, you may ask? To write a story without using visual descriptions.

I think the author has done a very, very beautiful job with this. There's a nice touch with the switches between inner thoughts and the current scene. There wasn't a part where I stumbled and it all flowed so well. Somehow, the author has been able to make it emotional and touching all within three pages. If you're looking for a good short story (or a story that has anything to do with violins), check this out! (External link on the side)

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