First day

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Techno's POV
*Er er er...Er er e- click*
*knock knock*
"Hey Tech, good morning! It's time to get up, mother wants you dow-"
"Yeah I know, thanks Peggy. Go back to sleep I'll take care of the rest."
"Thanks Tech.. Have a good first day back..!"

As I get up I throw my blankets over to the side. The cold morning air comes through the open window I left open last night. I leave it open because it gets extremely hot in this room, though I'm pretty sure thats just me, Peggy always comes in and complains about how cold it is in all of my rooms but I don't feel it. As I start to get ready I hear thumping footsteps coming towards my room, the door then swings open hitting the bookshelf next to it.

"I thought I told that brat to tell you I wanted you downstairs."
"She did, I'm just getting chan-"
"I don't give a damn if you're getting changed, you know very well that when I call for you, you get to where I want you immediately."
"Unbelievable. Hurry up. I need you to sign a new contract for an upcoming movie shoot."
I look at her confused.
"A movie? You want me to act in another movie? Now? I have school to att-"
"I know that you imbecile, you're going to have a schedule and your classes will not affect you. You will still get to go to this low life academy you've been pestering your father and I about, but you will still work as how we have made you to. The contract is on the kitchen isle, SIGN it and you'll be off."

With that, she leaves. I hate when she does that. -sigh- Another movie eh? Hopefully just another movie I don't have to star in, I don't need any more stress. I finish up putting on my uniform and head downstairs. Just as she said, the contract is on the kitchen isle along with that damn pen. Its the same pen I've used to sign off contracts my whole life... I sign it and grab my stuff to head out, on my way out I hear a whisper.

"Have a nice day and good luck..!"
"Peggy. -sigh- Thanks, go hide..!"
I say to her.

Peggy will sometimes decide to not go to school, her school is hell and for a 13 year old I can understand why'd she want to skip. I tell her to hide because if our mother finds out... Never mind I really don't want to think about that. -sigh- As I walk out I see the limousine my mother ordered for me to take to school. This woman really doesn't understand, I get into the limo and tell the driver my destination. As we ride to the school I notice how much this old town has changed, it's more modernized and has grown into more of a city-ish town. I don't know exactly how to explain it but it just is. Once at the school I notice a tall brown haired guy standing by the curb, oh shit it's.. The door gets opened by the driver.

"Well if it isn't my dear friend. Technoblade, welcome back dude!"
He helps me out and pulls me into a hug.
"Wilbur. Great to see you again, how's everyone?.. and why are you standing alone here, I honestly was expecting a crowd of people."
I say as he lets go and I look around.
"Oh does your fame proceed you THAT much? My friend I know how much you despise the camera flashing, I got the school to clear the outside and inside halls for you to be able to have a peaceful first day. Everyone is currently sitting in a random assembly in the auditorium, hopefully no one realizes the reason."
I turn at him confused.
"What do you mean? Did the school not tell the students a famous actor and wealthy dude was transferring here?"
I say in a snarky remark.
"No actually! I told them what you would prefer and they even asked me if you would like private classes, to which I told them no."
"Thanks Will."
He smiles.
"Well shall we head inside?"

As we go in we see a group of what looked to be a dance team? When Wilbur sees them he pushes me to the side and we go into a classroom.

"Uhm what was that for?"
"Shush! They might hear you."
I look at him irritatingly.
"Okay...and? Is there a problem?"
"Yes! If they hear you they see you and if they see you, that means whatever hope of a nice and peaceful next few schools years are GONE."
He says in a somewhat...fearful tone?
"Wilbur, they look like a harmless dance club, what could they possibly do?"
"Techno they aren't a dance club, they're the newspaper crew. They get to go through secret school files to post about important stuff."
Wait wha-
"Im sorry, secret school files??? They get to lurk and just expose people???"
I say completely dumbfounded.
"N- well, I don't actually know. I do know that if they find out you're here they'll definitely post about it to the school papers."
"Wilbur -sigh- It's fine, everyone will eventually find out anyways."
I say as I walk out.
He yells in a whisper.
*Ding Dong - Ding Dong*

Suddenly the bell rings and the auditorium doors open. People start walking out and heading to their classes, I presume. Many people pass me without batting an eye, huh not what I was expecting. Since Wilbur was no help with getting me to class I might as well wait for the principal or something , I go to stand next to the entrance of the auditorium to wait. Out of no where, what looked to be some AP's and teachers walk out.

"Excuse me, could someone point me in the direction of where I could find the principal?"

The whole school felt as if it shut down, everyone stopped talking and it was completely silent. No one seemed to move a muscle. I look around awkwardly and see everyone just staring, I then turn back towards the teachers and AP's and they look horrified. Did I do something wrong? Why does it seem like time just stopped? Uhhhh...

What I assume to be the principal says in whispers:
"Ahem.. Hello! Would you mind just taking a few steps inside? PUFFY CLOSE THE DOORS. Please just wait one second."
As soon as I walk into the auditorium the doors slam closed behind me as I begin to hear screaming and banging on the door.
"WILBUR... -sigh- I'm sorry about whatever this is, Welcome to Kiusoju Academy, Technoblade. We are honored to have you here, we thought you'd be in class already, the students don't- well- they didn't know you were  here."
"I know, Wilbur told me, but don't worry I've been through worse. I knew this would happen, there's no need to worry about me. All I really need is my schedule and I'll be on my way."
"Are you sure- Its really-"
"I am sure. I just want to at least get through today with no damage being done, can I use the school microphone to make an announcement?"
"O-of course! Follow me."

This will definitely be the start of a lot of chaos...
Well! Thats the first chapter back! I know it's a bit every where but hopefully it at least makes sense. I know I need more work to get better- haha.. okay bye!

-1277 words

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