Valentine's Day [Special]

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POV: You get no bitches

"GEORGE! Please be my Valenti-"
He says holding out a gift, its a few days early for gifts but-
"Dream. I said it last year, and I'll keep saying it; NO."
George walks away leaving a sad Dream, behind them was Wilbur and Techno
"Poor kid. Hey! Why don't you ask him to be your alentine!"
Wilbur says turned over to Techno nudging him
"Wha- I will not. Why the hell would I do that?"
Wilbur chuckles
"Aww cmon mate, just look at the poor guy! He's absolutely devastated!"
Techno turns to look at Dream
"So? How could being his valentine's change anything? Plus the he asked the other guy, and I'm his rival, it makes no sense."
Wilbur sighs
"But you've never had a proper valentine, right? It's always just been piles upon piles of Fan Mail from straight up strangers year after year, no?
"Yes, and I'm perfectly fine keeping it that w-"
"WELL! Now's your chance! You actually get something outta this platonic valentine and so does he!"
Wilbur says cutting him off
"Ughh hopefully I don't regret this... Fine. If you say so, but just know, if anything bad happens I'll be blaming you."
Wilbur wraps his are around his shoulder
"Attaboy! And- I'll be happy to take any chances."

Techno decided that he would be asking Dream during lunch hour. Wilbur and Techno were at the entrance looking for him, Wilbur spots him sitting with his friends.

"Dude look, he's over there! You want me to go over there and bring over here or do you got it?"
Techno looks at him annoyingly
"I think I got it Wilbur."
Techno sighs and begins to walk over to Dream's table a bit regrettable
"Ahem.. Hey Dream. Is it alright if I take you for a sec?"
Wilbur facepalms
"Uhhhhh... Sure.. I'll um, be back in a sec guys"

He says turning to his friends as he gets up, one of his friends staring down at Techno the other's looking confused. Once Dream gets up Techno leads him out, Wilbur is no longer at the entrance. "Where'd he go?" Techno thought to himself.

"Sooo... What is it that you wanted, o'mighty Technoblade."
Dream says snapping Techno out of his thoughts
" Okay so this wasn't my idea but- well-"
Techno pauses
"Oh god. This was not what I was hoping would happen.. I have no idea what I'm doing.."
Dream is now confused as to why his rival is just standing there, to be honest he thought Techno wanted to fight
"You okay there Tech?"
"Yeah- ahem- Actually, I saw earlier today how you got rejected by um, George and was wondering... If you would want me to uhhh help you get..him..back???"
Techno says pulling his words making them sound longer
"...Are you...serious?..."
He pauses for a few seconds making Techno a bit uncomfortable waiting for his answer he knew this was a bad idea
"WAIT! Thats fucking brilliant! We can make him jealous! HAHA! Great idea Tech. Ah how couldn't I have thought of that!"
"Uh- Yeah- Such an..idiot..?"
Techno was a bit confused at this point

Later into the day, Techno found himself sitting in front of dream who is pointing at a white board explaining his "masterpiece" of a plan. He honestly has no clue, not even a single understanding of whats going on but he's just going with it. While just sitting there helplessly Wilbur can be seen through the door window giving Techno a thumbs up, Techno smiles awkwardly and gives Will a half thumbs up back. What a great Wingman he is.... From then on, a few days pass and it's valentines day, but before that, how about a recap on what they did?

3 days before Valentines day;
Most of this day consisted of Dream pulling Techno's hair when George was around saying:

"OH yeah I know I'm SUCH a GREAT Valentines! I'll fix your hair Techno don't worry!"

Techno, obviously with what would happen to his hair, was rightfully shocked,confused and a bit pissed off but it was all for the plan. He eventually got used to it by the end of the day, but only if it was Dream.

2 days before Valentine's day;
This day was more hands on, more of what some would call: Rivals trying to hug, Holding hands was just out of the picture but when George was around it was only for a split second lol.

"Does YOUR Valentines give you piggy back rides? I DIDN'T THINKS SO!"

Dream said flipping George off. Techno just looked at Dream, who was surprisingly light on his back, with a 'I don't wanna be here' face.

1 day before Valentine's day;
The last day before Valentines was calm, George wasn't anywhere to be seen until:

"Huh.. I haven't seen him all day.. Maybe he's not here..?"

But before Techno could finished, George appeared outta nowhere and Dream grabbed a spoon and shoved it in Techno's mouth making him choke out of surprise.

"WE'RE EATING LUNCH TOGETHER! Sorry George you can't sit here"

Dream said as George didn't bat an eye towards him and went to get a tray of food. Techno just died then and there.

Day of Valentines:
It was then time for the final phase of their (mostly Dreams idea) Valentines revenge. February 14th, it was time to exchange gifts to one another. George was not far (half asleep) and Dream pulled Techno to be almost right in front of him and said aloud:

Dream has a proud smirk as he turns back towards Techno
"Now, Valentine! Here's your gif-"
He pauses as he looks down at his and Techno's hand extended out holding their gifts
Techno's gift to Dream is a multimillion dollar watch, while Dream's gift to Techno is a homemade bracelet that is probably worth like, 2 cents.
" not like it?"
Techno asks breaking the long silence between the two
Dream says in a panic
Mission to make George Jealous: Unsuccessful
Later that day

Dream and Techno are sitting quietly on a bench, Dream is sulking and Techno is just there. Techno thinks to himself what happened these past few days, 'I was fun'... -sigh-

"For..what it's worth; It's his loss."
He blurts out, he wasn't expecting that but it makes Dream look up at him
"Heh, Doesn't matter now, I've had fun these last days. In any case, if it matters, I've never had a Valentine before."
He took the words right out if Techno's mouth, he then sticks out a hand and Techno takes it
"Thanks for being my Valentine in crime, you rich bitch. End of truce?"
They shake on it
"End of truce."
Techno says smiling
The next day

Everything has gone back to normal, both rivals play fighting and arguing like always. In the back you can see Dream and Techno running around. It seems Dream has taken Techno's hair tie and is running aways laughing, obviously with Techno close behind yelling at him. Wilbur is watching this from afar with a clipboard.

"The school's newsletter committee will call me a hero for this"
He says smirking finishing off the writing he's been doing the past few days. Don't worry, he would never spill any tea that shouldn't be spilled. ;)
Yay! I finished! Tbh I finished this the day before... but hey, at least y'all get the special! There's no post tomorrow bc this is the post of the week! Hope you all enjoyed!

-1295 words

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