Spring week [pt.2]

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Narrator POV

It's early morning and Karl is surprisingly awake! Carefully, he walks to the kitchen and remembers that they didn't buy anything to fill up their fridge or pantry so the poor guy didn't eat and just sat. After a bit of sitting in the kitchen bar, Wilbur comes walking out of his room a few minutes later. Karl just sits there tired but trying to wake up, it's difficult because theres no food to keep him from sleeping. Wilbur also looks into the fridge forgetting they didn't have anything.

"-sighh- Why didn't we go buy stuff yesterday? Im starvinggggg"
Wilbur says closing the door and whining
"Well... I think we—— Uhm- have food from yesterday..."
Karl fell asleep.
"Karl? Oh. Ughh... my head hurts. I think I hit my head or laughed to hard I got a migraine."
He says walking over to the sofa ands sits

After a few minutes of sitting there he slowly woke up. Turning on the TV, he scrolled through channels then landed on a celebrity gossip show. How interesting!

" 'Famous hot movie star and celebrity, Technoblade, has a secret lover' ??? What the hell- oh wait it's probably another business part-"
Before he could finish his train of thought the lady in the screen began to talk,
"Breaking news! It is apparently now known that THE Technoblade is actually dating someone and has been for a while now! Though from the pictures we will show in a sec, it doesn't seem to be anyone famous!? 'It's a weird short and poorly dressed high schooler'-! Uh- ahem. Y'know he kinda looks cute. I don't know why you would say something so mean, Tony!"
The news gossiper says looking behind the camera, the view of the lady disappears as many pictures pop up on screen
"... oh. My. GOD-"
Wilbur yells waking Karl, a thud and quick footsteps can be heard nearing the kitchen
Sapnap and Quackity scream as both Karl and Wilbur turn to them.
Karl giggles, both of their hair is all messy, Quackity has a blanket around him being dragged and it looks like he hurriedly but his beanie on and Sapnap is holding a bat.
Sapnap and Quackity walk over slowly and Karl leans back to see the TV screen,
"WOAH- Is that-?"
Karl choked

On the screen it shows many pictures of Techno and Dream in Techno's car, by the school, IN the school, skipping class, at a cafe and outside of what seemed to be a film studio. All the guys just stand in front of the TV stunned at what they saw. Moments later Charlie walks out with his glasses in hand.

"Whats going on? I heard a ruckus and then silence, did we get robbed?"
He asks,
"Robbed of what, our doors? We kinda don't have anything—"
Sapnap covers Wilburs mouth and shrieks,
"WHAT THE HELL- AND HE DIDN'T TELL US?!- THAT- OOOOOoo he's gonna get it."
Sapnap says running into his shared room,
"Is he gonna call him? WAIT- I SHOULD CALL TECHNOBLADE-"
With that Wilbur also runs to his room to grab his phone.
"Sooo.. What's goin' on?"
Charlie asks very confused as he puts his glasses on,
"Apparently Techno and Dream are dating? I mean its on the news- But I don't think they are..? It's probably a misunderstanding."
Karl says,
"True that, but if they are and didn't tell Sapnap, no wonder why Sapnap ran to his room. I think he's upset he didn't know. IF it's true, I mean."
Quackity says fixing his hair and beanie.
"Guys its the internet. You don't believe everything on there! Have you guys learned nothing???"
Charlie says
"You're right. But we should check on the other two incase its- y'know- real."
Karl said getting up quickly

In the other rooms, Wilbur and Sapnap are trying to reach their friends. Sapnap is pacing back and forth getting more and more upset thinking that Techno might've gotten Dream into something. Wilbur, on the other hand, is just confused completely. Both guys eventually picked up, finally.

Wilbur's POV

"TECHNO? DUDE. Whats this I'm hearing and seeing on the news that you're dating DREAM??? Is it true..?"
I ask ,
"No- Wilbur. No. Do we look like we're dating in any of those dumb pictures? Almost all of them are of us in, near or outside of school! We were goofing off as usual in most if them, skipping to get McDonald's or something too. Wilbur -sigh- Are you seriously believing what they say on the INTERNET of all places???"
Techno rants,
"I- -sigh- Its just.. You two do looks fairly happy in them, I can definitely see why people would think that."
I say scratching my head,
"Look Will, all of those things, rumors people are spewing about me and him dating aren't true. Plus you know that if-"
Through the phone I hear a loud bang, a few seconds of screaming or screeches..?, then the line going dead.
"Uh. Techno? You okay bud? Technooo?...TECHNOBLADE!"
I honestly thought he must've just hit mute on accident, like he's done many times before but once I look down at my phone I realize the call ended.
"Huh....Who was the one screaming...? Oh no.. Isn't he supposed to be dating someone already-? OH SHIT- HE'S SUPPOSED TO- SAPNAPPP!"
I scream.
Sapnap's POV
[The same time Wilbur got through to Techno.]

I say worried, pacing around the room.
I hear his voice,
"DREAM. Oh my GOD Dream. What the hell is this about you and Technoblade dating???! I know its not true but what's going on?! Why are people thinking this-? A-and the pictures?"
I say still worried,
"Sapnap-! Look I can explain. I knew you'd call about it when you saw- but apparently me and Techno had a stalker on us ever since he started going to the academy. MF wanted to get "evidence" that Techno was always dumping his other "partners" for someone else and that it was always the same person. Something about, "The real reason he dumped everyone else" or something."
I stand there dumbfounded,
"Wait so- lemme get this straight. Some diehard fan of his-"
"Not his, just some rando who had a crush on one of the people Techno "dated" who was a celebrity but quit showbiz because of getting dumped and exposed by Techno for being manipulative and some other fucked up shit. From what Techno told me, he gets set up on these "dates" by his super strict and powerful family, his parents and so on, to grow and branch out the family business and get connections and stuff."
My jaw at this point went passed the floor,
"Wha- When did he tell you this?? All because of a crush??? Okay, all this just got even more  unbelievable. Its BIZARRE..! Shit okay."
I say falling down onto the bed,
"Yeah and don't worry me and Techno are fi-"
All of a sudden, cutting Dream off, I hear a loud bang and what sound to be a witch cry or something and then the call ending.
"DREAM?! FUCK- IT CUT OFF- What the hell was that dying sound of a cat supposed to be?!.. I need to tell the others, WILBUR!"
I run outta my room,

Narrator POV

Both guys run into the hall way, see the other guys standing there and then tell them to go into the living room. The three that were left there turn over the them confused. Before anyone could ask, Sapnap told everyone what Dream told him and the Wilbur told everyone what he heard from Techno. Everyone was confused at this point asking for them to slow down and repeat what they said in a language they could understand. So both Sapnap and Wilbur explained the whole ordeal to them again and this time taking turns.

"Woah dude."
Quackity says turning the TV off,
"So- They were stalked, but you guys said the call ended abruptly no?"
Karl asks
"Yeah.. And me personally I'm worried..."
Sapnap says,
"Hey guys, sorry to bring this up during the discussion, but maybe we should head home? I dunno, seems like staying farther away from home at the moment seems a little stressful no?"
Charlie suggests,
"Yeah, we should head home, this place is nice and all and I'm thankful for you taking us here Wilbur..but I feel like something happened to Dream.."
Sapnap said,
"No problem! Let's head back now, I'll get the car ready, you guys take your stuff or just leave it I need to come back in a week anyway to fix some land stuff and can bring it back to you later."
Wilbur says,
"Yes please lets go."
Karl says grabbing Sapnap and Quackity's hands.
"Can we get food first though?"
Charlie asks
"Of Course!"
Wilbur says,

"Alright, let's go."

Annnddd there's a cliffhanger. Hehe, obviously this is a look into the future where you'll all get to see what happens after and before in Dream and Techno's POV, hope you enjoyed!

-1525 words

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