Spring week!

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Narrator POV

A whole week of nothing. Specifically speaking about our rivals, they wouldn't be hanging out this whole week. Technoblade is busy with a movie and Dream was out in the countryside with family. We'll be getting to them later, for now though; why don't we check up on their friends? They're all going to be taking a small trip together.

Sapnap's POV

With Dream gone, me and the rest if the group don't have anything to do. Most of us are home playing video games together online or just sleeping... Quackity called me earlier saying that Wilbur, one of his friends wanted to hang out with everyone. To get to know us and stuff because Technoblade wasn't available or something. I personally haven't been informed all to well about what we're doing but apparently from what I know, Wilbur rented out a beach house for everyone to hang! Finally, we get to get out and touch grass!- or well sand- I started packing earlier but I still have no clue what we will be doing, I'm just simply going with the flow.. oh and George said he wouldn't make it, sucks for him I guess.

*ring ring*
"Op- I'll get it!"
I run over to the ringing
"Ah! Is this Sapnap?"
A British voice comes through the house phone, it not George, obviously
"Uh Yes. Who is this?"
I ask
"This is Wilbur! Techno and Quackity's friend!
"Oh hey man! What's up?"
"Quackity told me that he was busy and wouldn't be able to explain the plan, so that's why I called you."
You can here him smile over the phone
"Oh! Yeah he warned me you'd call, so what's the plan?"
Karl is asleep and won't wake up
"Ughh Karl we're going to be late. This is what happens when you stay up all night."
Karl turns in his sleep,
"Okay then. Quackity let's just go he isn't waking up."
I yell out from my room.
"What the hell do you mean he won't wake up???"
Quackity says running upstairs
"-sigh- I mean he stayed up all night playing games while we slept.. again."
I say pulling out my suitcase
"Oh. Well shit we can't just leave him."
Quackity says throwing his arms up
"Yes we can, lets go."
I say pulling him down the stairs, when we hear a thud and shuffling
"Ohhhh I see what you did there... Haha!"
Quackity laughs and continues down
"Its the only way we're going to get him up. Karl hurry we're leaving!"
I yell rolling my suitcase through the living room
He screams running down while combing his hair
"You muffin head don't be mean!"
"It's alright dad, I wasn't ACTUALLY gonna leave him."
Dad walks over and pats my head,
"I know.. -ahem- Sapnap are you sure you'll be fine the whole week out?"
He says a bit saddened,
"Daaddd! Its finee.. I already told you I would be with these two and Quackity's friend. We'll be in our own little house by the beach and-  I'll. wear. sunscreen."
I say as my dad starts pulling on my cheeks
"No Sappy, thats not what I meant... sorta- It just you're gonna be out a whole week!"
He says as I start to push out the front door
"Dad, we'll all be fine. Its still private property and we all stay together. You know me and Quackity cook, Karl can make some real good stuff too, so we won't be eating a bunch of fast food. I promise I'll be careful and if something happens you'll be the first to know. Okay?"
Dad stands by the entrance crossing his arms,
"Alright then. If you're sure. Bye muffin!"
He waves and I wave back,
"Bye dad!"

Wilbur's POV

After we all say goodbye to Sapnap's dad we're off. I drive while the others in the back, and we're going to be getting another friend of mine. As we pull into the drive way we see my friend ready with his bag.

"Hey Slime guy! Just throw your stuff in the trunk!"
I yell out from the window,
He says as he walks over and opens the trunk,
"You invited Charlie? Cool! We're really gonna have a good time!"
Quackity says
"Yeahh. He wasn't gonna do anything all week so I thought why not? The more the merrier as some say!"
Charlie gets in,
"Hello there friends! Thanks for letting me crash with you guys for the week! It's gonna be fun!"
"Yep, Im Sapnap, this is Karl. Don't mind him he just fell asleep late last night."
Sapnap says giving Charlie a fist bump,
"Oh so you're Quackity's boyfriends! Nice to meet you, I'm Charlie! Quackity talks about you two a LOT, haha!"
He says smiling
"Slime! What the hell dude!"
Quackity blushes as he hits Charlie,
"Whattt? Shy? Lol"
He says rubbing his arm,
"Dude, Charlie, no one's actually says lol."
"So? Lol"
Quackity and Sapnap laugh as I continue driving.

Narrator's POV

After a bit of a road trip the guys make it to the beach house. Sapnap wakes Karl and Wilbur opens the house and they walk in, getting the first view of the house. Its a 4 bedroom, big living room and kitchen house with an upstairs studio. The studio being a gym and an extra empty room. They decided that the boyfriends would be getting the master bedroom, and both Wilbur and Charlie would get their own rooms. Outside in the back is a shade covered pool enough space for a big barbecue. Down below is the beach, they're on a hill and there is a path that leads to the sand. The house is mostly windows towards the back and from the outside the kitchen and living room can be seen. It's amazing!

After setting up their rooms and checking the place out, they decide to order pizza and wings, since there isn't any food to make- well food.

Its now dusk and the guys are playing video games while eating or in Karl and Charlie's case they're playing uno. It's been a long day of driving, exploring and playing and the boys are beat. They all wash up and head to bed to be able to continue tomorrow.


spring break pt.2 should be up gogogo!! Yes there are only 2 parts no its no mistake just a week boost! Also did that seem a bit too quick for anyone or is it just me?..

-1097 words

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