2. 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔

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 1x01 𖦹𖦹𖦹 WOLF MOON

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1x01 𖦹𖦹𖦹 WOLF MOON

The Hale house was a shell of what it used to be. If you could even call it that. The paint and color were completely gone. Now the entire structure, or what remained was all black. Completely charred.

And Maddie swore she would never come back. Not after what she did. But after burying Laura last night, Derek asked her to meet him there once she was done with a few meetings she had.

He was convinced that Laura being in proximity of the house wasn't a coincidence. Maybe she was out looking for something nearby when she was attacked. So around 4 pm, Maddie pulled up to the house wanting nothing more than to turn around and go home.

Derek was outside waiting for her when she got there. "So? Did you find anything?" she asked. "Not yet. But I haven't gone inside" he said. Maddie knew why he hadn't. No matter how dreadful she felt being there she knew Derek would always feel a million times worse.

"Do you want me to go? I can look around while you wait here" she offered. "No. I can go in. Just didn't want to do it alone" he said. Maddie nodded and took his hand, slowly pushing open the door.

The inside didn't look any better than the outside. In fact, it looked worse. There were still random furniture items lying around that were all burnt and falling apart. Nature had taken over and the ground was covered in mud and leaves.

The ceiling had holes in it and most of the back wall was completely gone. "I'll check upstairs," Derek said and Maddie nodded as she moved through the living room.

Looking around all the memories of that night came rushing back. She can remember helping Laura and Peter out of the basement. Peter was still comatose after that night. Although he could now sit up and his eyes were open, he never responded to any sort of stimulus.

And the doctors didn't know when or if he'd get better. And it was because of Maddie. She had no idea what happened to the convergence crystal or Kate after that night. And she didn't want to know.

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