6. 𝒗 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒂

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1x05 + 1x06 𖦹𖦹𖦹 THE TELL + HEART MONITOR

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1x05 + 1x06 𖦹𖦹𖦹 THE TELL + HEART MONITOR

"What's wrong with butcher's block?" Derek asked. "What's not wrong with butcher's block countertops? It's absolutely hideous" Maddie said, pointing at the sample in front of her.

The two were sitting in her kitchen, looking at the different countertop options Derek brought over. "Well you have to pick something or else we'll be eating off cardboard," he said, standing behind her.

"It's not my fault you have terrible taste," she said, looking at the options again. "It's been a long week so I'm gonna let that one go. But you really need to pick one" he said, sitting next to her.

"Okay, what about the marble?" she asked. "Oh you mean the most expensive one?" he scoffed. Maddie rolled her eyes, picking up her phone that was ringing beside her.


On the other end was her mom, completely freaking out. "Mom? Slow down, I have no idea what you're saying" she said, looking at Derek who looked just as worried as she did.

"What?" Maddie asked. "Oh my god! I'm on my way!" she shouted, hanging up the phone. "What happened?" Derek asked, following her out into the living room. "There was an animal attack at the video store. Lydia was there" she said, grabbing her purse.

"Is she okay?" he asked. "She's fine. But I think we both know it wasn't an animal attack."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The next morning, everyone including Derek, decided to stay home to make sure Lydia was okay. She was completely freaking out and her mom had her on so much Xanax she could barely remember a thing.

Maddie was sitting in her backyard with Derek, trying to put together everything they knew about the alpha. And why it would attack and kill a random video store employee while her sister and Jackson were there.

"Do you think it's after Lydia?" she asked. "No. It wouldn't have a reason too. And if it was after her or Jackson it could've killed them then but didn't" Derek said.

"But killing two people already and leaving witnesses? Doesn't seem very smart" she said. "Probably because he's running on pure animal instinct. Doesn't care about the witnesses" he said.

"I talked to Tristan. He's still looking for a link between the fire and Harris" Maddie sighed.

"Do you think he's working with them?" Derek asked. "Well, I do remember him being a total creep. So I wouldn't really put it past him to be a hunter" she said.

"Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes?"

Derek and Maddie shot up and turned toward the gate leading into her backyard. Kate sauntered in like she had been invited, a huge grin on her face.

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