10. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

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"Derek. Please say something" Maddie begged. It had been over an hour since Kate left, leaving the two still tied up with a heavy tension sitting in the room.

"You lied to me" was all he said, still not looking at her. "I didn't know what else to do! I was scared. And I know that's a horrible reason. I do. You know I feel terrible. I wouldn't have done it if I knew what Kate could do!" she cried.

Again, Derek stayed silent. With her hands tied behind her back, Maddie couldn't wipe away the tears that were streaming down her face. She knew she didn't deserve Derek's forgiveness.

She did a terrible thing. She knew trusting Kate could be a mistake but she did it anyways because she was selfish. All she cared about was having a normal life. But she realized too late that she cared about Derek a lot more.

Everything she had done since then, every decision she made, was in an effort to put him first. Even now, if he hated her, she'd still put him first.

When the door opened again she was worried it would be the hunter again, back to torture Derek. But to their surprise and relief, it was Scott.

Looking at Maddie first he ran over to her. "Lydia and your mom have been looking everywhere for you," he said but she shook her head and gestured to Derek.

"Untie him first," she said. Scott looked confused but did what she said, only unhooking one arm before Derek stopped him.

"Someone's coming. Hide" he ordered. Scott looked at the door and when he heard someone too, he hid behind some crates and boxes.

Maddie looked over as the man from earlier walked in. He had a sick smile on his face as he turned on a flashlight, shining it in Derek's face.

"Ready to have some more fun?" he asked. "To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So I brought some help" the man held up a baseball bat he had hidden behind his back.

"But I have to warn you. I used to play in college" he went to swing at Derek, but with his free hand, Derek easily caught it.

"I brought a little help too," he said. The man turned to see Scott pop out of his hiding spot. While he was distracted, Derek took the opportunity to punch him across the face rendering the hunter unconscious.

Scott ran over and broke open the bracelet and ties keeping Maddie bound. She stretched and her eyes glowed momentarily as her powers came rushing back.

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