19. 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆

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2x11 𖦹𖦹𖦹 Battlefield

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2x11 𖦹𖦹𖦹 Battlefield

It was dark when Willow opened her eyes. She looked around, trying to take in her surroundings but immediately started coughing when she noticed a breathing tube down her throat.

Immediately a door opened and light flew in as two nurses rushed in. She didn't even notice Tristan, Maddie, or Derek as the nurses told her it was okay and to cough so they could remove the tube.

When they did, Willow took in a breath of air and grabbed at her throat realizing how dry it was.

One nurse handed her a cup of water that they quickly downed. She finally looked around and noticed Tristan as he rushed to her side.

The nurses took her vitals and told her that a doctor would come to see her shortly before they walked out. It was quiet between the four of them as nobody said anything.

"Can I have more water?" she asked, her voice hoarse from the breathing tube. Tristan rushed over to pour her another cup. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Um. Fine. I guess. My throat is sore but other than that I feel fine" she said.

She finished her cup of water before looking back at Maddie. "What happened?" she asked.

"Well Matt's dead. Burned him to a crisp. But Jackson's still out there and he's still the kanima" she said. Willow could tell there was something else that the three of them weren't telling her.

"What else happened?" she asked.

"Well. You were dying. You weren't going to make it. We didn't know what else to do" Tristan said.

"What happened?" Willow asked again, needing to know but having a feeling she already did.

"I gave you the bite," Derek said. "I think you're like me now. A werewolf."

"You think?" Willow asked, frantically looking around. "Well we can't be sure until you start turning," Maddie said. "Not everyone who's been bit turned into a werewolf so..."

"So there's a possibility I'm going to turn into something else entirely?" Willow asked.

"It doesn't matter," Tristan said. "You were going to die. The bite saved your life. I don't care what happens now as long as you're alive."

"We should let you guys talk," Derek said, taking Maddie's hand. Maddie nodded, knowing that the couple needed to talk about the decision Tristan ultimately made for her.

"But seriously, Wills. I'm so happy that you're okay" Maddie said before she let Derek lead her out.

"Do you think-"

"I need to tell you something," Derek said, cutting her off. "What's wrong?" she asked. Derek looked around and seeing all the hospital staff walking around he led her to an empty corner.

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