21. 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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"Careful! If you scratch up these floor we will never be allowed back in here!" Maddie exclaimed

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"Careful! If you scratch up these floor we will never be allowed back in here!" Maddie exclaimed. "You're the one who wanted me to move it!" Derek sighed.

"Yes, becasue I don't like sleeping under a window! It ruins my feng shui" she said. Derek rolled his eyes, trying his best to move the bed to the opposite corner of the room.

Maddie's mom had graciously let them use the cabin for the weeked but the rules that applied when they were teenagers still applied to them as adults.

"I thought this was supposed to be a mini getaway and now I'm doing manual labor?" he asked, pushing the bad back into a different corner.

"One, you're a werewolf, this is supposed to be easy for you. And two, who says that watching you do this isn't fun for me" she said with a laugh.

"Oh, I get it. You just brought me here to do whatever you want all weekend" he said with a smirk as he walked over to her. "Why else would I have brought you here?" she teased, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Maybe because you realized we've been spending too much time with teenagers and needed some time alone" he said, pressing his lips to hers.

Maddie let out a laugh, kissing him back as his hands roamed down her body. When he heard a knock at the door Derek let out a groan that was nealry a growl. "Who the hell is that?" he asked.

"I might've invited Tristan and Willow" she said, giving him an apologetic look. "Why would you do that?" he groaned, as she pulled away from him. "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to! Besides, it's not we'll all be sharing a room" she laughed.

Leaving the master bedroom she walked down the hall of the cabin and opened the door for them. "Ah! You made it" Maddie squealed, pulling Willow into a hug. It had been a week since she'd been let out of the hospital but still no sign on what the bite had done to her.

"Yeah, after we only stopped at three different stores to find the special wine that no one else but her drinks" Tristan said, walking past the girls to set the bags down. "Where's Derek?" Tristan asked.

"Bedroom" Maddie said, pulling Willow into the kitchen. "So, what's the special wine for?" Maddie asked. "Well, we're celebrating!" Willow said, biting her lip as to contain her excitement.

"Celebrating what?" Derek asked, as he and Tristan walked back out to join them. "I passed my bar!" Willow exclaimed. "Oh my god!" Maddie cheered, pulling her into another hug. "So your officially a lawyer?"

Willow nodded, her ponytail bouncing with the movement. "I'm licensed and everything!" she squealed. "Congrats" Derek smiled, accepting the hug she gave him before helping Maddie open the wine.

"I knew you could do it" Tristan said, pulling Willow in for a kiss. "This is definetly a good reason for celebration" Maddie said, pulling out the wine glasses. "And to get super drunk."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Like old times, there drinking inside led them outside, where Maddie was now able to use her powers to create a bonfire for them to sit by. She sat half lying on the ground with her head in his lap.

It was rare that that got moments like this. Where they could just be normal, have fun with their friends, and not worry about somebody or something trying to kill them.

But of course that wouldn't last long.

Derek looked up, his eyes scanning the treeline behind them. Maddie looked up at him and could tell something was wrong.

"What is it?" she asked. "I thought I heard something" he said.

"Great. We're in a cabin in the woods and you think you heard something. Because that's not creepy" Willow sighed.

"It's probably just a racoon or something" Tristan said. Suddenly, all of their heads turned as they heard leaves rustle behind them.

Derek stood up, his eyes flashing red as he looked out in front of him. Hearing it again, but behind them they all whipped around.

"Stay here" Derek said, slowly heading toward the sound. Instead of staying put, Maddie started following after him but Tristan grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Going to see what it was" she said like it was obvious. "Shouldn't we let the guy with the fangs and claws go look" he said.

"I can take care of myself" Maddie said, rolling her eyes. "Why can't our mini vacations ever be at a four seasons or something?" Willow asked, gripping onto Tristan's arm.

Before she could say anything they heard a growl come from the area Derek walked off to. "Derek!" Maddie shouted, running in his direction ignorning Tristan's shouts for her to stay here.

Turning to Willow he gestured for her to go back to the cabin. "Go inside and lock the door" he said. She nodded as he ran after their friends.

Maddie walked carefully through the woods, a fireball in her hand ready as she looked for Derek. "Derek!" she called out, her voice in a hushed tone.

"Derek!" she called out again.

Hearing a twig crack behind her, she turned around about to light whoever it was on fire but stopped when she saw it was only Tristan, his gun raised in front of him.

"God, you scared the hell out me! And arn't you off duty?" she asked, not knowing if he was supposed to bring that home with him.

"It's Beacon Hills" he said, not going anywhere anymore without one.

"I told you to stay back!"

Maddie and Tristan turned as Derek ran over to them. "What happened? We heard someone growl?" Maddie asked.

"It was just a mountain lion. Where's Willow?" Derek asked. "In the cabin" Tristan said. Suddenly an ear peircing scream rang out through the trees.

"Willow!" Tristan shouted, as they ran back to the cabin. They stopped right at the treeline seeing the mountain lion run at Willow before a bright white light erupted from her body.

The three of them had to shut their eyes and turn around, the light nealry blinding them. When it was gone, they turned back as the mountain lion whimpered and ran back out to the trees shaking it's head.

"Are you okay?" Tristan asked, running over to Willow. Maddie and Derek followed and froze seeing Willow's eyes shining a bright yellow as she held out her hands, shaking.

"How...how did I do that?" Willow stuttered, allowing Tristan to pull her into a hug. "I think I know what you are" Maddie said, remembering the reading she did when Talia first gave her all her old books.


"A light fairy."

authors note

you guys! end of season 2 and end of this book! book three is already up so go ahead and save it. i'll be getting started on s3 really soon!

also im super excited to turn willow into a complete badass

other question. does anyone watch once upon a time bc i have a new killian jones fic out right now!!👀

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