16. 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔

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2x08  𖦹𖦹𖦹 RAVING

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2x08  𖦹𖦹𖦹 RAVING

"What's he doing here?" Scott asked as he unlocked the door to the vet clinic. "I need him," Derek said as he, Isaac, and Maddie walked inside.

Scott agreed to help Derek with their kanima problem. But only on one condition. They were going to save Jackson, not kill him.

Maddie truly didn't care either way, as long as Jackson didn't kill her or Willow first.

"I don't trust him," Scott said, glaring at Isaac. "Yeah well, he doesn't trust you either" Isaac mumbled.

"And you know what, Derek doesn't really care!" Derek grumbled. Maddie put her hand on Derek's chest to calm him down and looked at Scott.

"Where's Deaton? Is he actually going to help us?" she asked.

"That depends," Deaton said, walking in. "You're friend Jackson. Are we going to kill him, or save him?"

And of course, Derek said to kill him while Scott was determined to save him. Maddie blew out a breath and dropped her head. She knew Derek and Scott working together would be hard, she didn't know it'd be this hard.

"We're going to save him," she said to Deaton before looking at Scott. "Pinky promise" she added, a smirk and a gleam in her eye that everyone knew meant she would try her best to save Jackson but if it came down to life or death, she'd kill him.

Deaton however, seemed pleased with her answer as he led them all into the back before pulling out numerous jars, most of them containing things Maddie had never heard of.

Derek slapped Isaac's hand away as he tried touching one of them. "Watch what you touch" he scolded.

Isaac ignored him as he leaned forward on the table in front of them. "So. What are you, some kind of witch?" he asked.

"No" Deaton responded, looking through the various vials. "I'm a veterinarian."

Maddie pulled Isaac up by the back of his shirt. "You know we can always make you wait in the car," she said as he mumbled an apology.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin," Deaton said.

"We're open to suggestions," Maddie said, never wanting to feel not in control of her own body ever again.

"What about an effective offense?" Isaac asked. "No, we already tried. I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up" Derek said.

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" Deaton asked. "It can't swim," Maddie told him.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?"

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