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"Looking good, chu," I say, peering into the camera lens as I snap photos of Jisoo. Sunlight shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows of BigRedCog Headquarters, the rays bouncing off her Cartier watch. "Look to the left." She adjusts her blazer and changes positions. "Yeah, that's great."

"How much longer?" Jisoo whines, frowning. "The Times crew should be here any minute."

"Just a couple more," I say as the doors to her office slam open. She grins, head snapping to the boisterous laugh of Rosé as she and Lisa strut towards us. She hops off the stool, and I shake my head, lowering the camera. "Guess we're done here."

Lisa flashes me an apologetic look and mouths. "I tried, sorry!"

"It's fine." I wave her off.

It's not her fault. Distracting Rosé takes a fucking village. Love the girl like a sister but her constant 'suggestions' make my job much, much harder.

"Looking sharp, honey!" Rosé gushes, winking at Jisoo. She turns to Lisa, wiggling her brows. "Doesn't my wife look suave as fuck?"

"She sure does," Lisa smirks, eyes locked on mine as she hands me a latte. "Super gorgeous."

I grin, taking the coffee. "Please don't undress me with your eyes while I'm working, baby. It's very unprofessional."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, I'll undress chu instead."

"The hell you will!" Rosé exclaims, casting Lisa a playful scowl as she wraps her arms around Jisoo. "Paws off, bitch."

"Get over here." I whisper, pulling Lisa into a kiss as our newly wed friends make googly eyes at each other.

When her lips brush against mine, it's like I'm kissing her for the first time. My insides flutter and my heart beats frantically. It's been five years and I'm still in awe.

I pull back, stroking her hair as I gaze loving at her. "So? Any word yet?"

"Not yet," she sighs, hitching a shoulder. "But it's only been a week since I've applied, and they probably have lots of applicants with much more experience and knowledge and background and—"

"Stop," I cut her off, shaking my head. "You're going to get it, okay? Yes, I'm sure there are candidates more qualified than you but I doubt there is anyone more dedicated than you," I chuckle at her ridiculousness. "You finished a bachelor's and a master's degree in four years. That's ought to count for something."

She rolls her eyes. "I guess so.."

"Is she whining again?" Rosé chirps, drawing our attention. She clicks her tongue, cocking her head at her. "Dude, will you relax? If they don't hire you, then fuck 'em, their loss. You're going to be one hell of a social worker wherever you go, okay? Don't stress."

"Fine," she mumbles as Jisoo's assistant knocks on the door. She sighs. "Looks like it's showtime, chu"

Jisoo's face pales. "Okay.."

"Hey!" Rosé aggressively grabs her by the collar, tugging her. "You are a goddamn rockstar, okay? You're going to kill this interview! Nothing to worry about, honey. You got this!"

"Okay," she smiles, her tense body noticeably relaxing. She glances at her assistant, sucking in a breath. "Here goes nothing."

"Go get 'em, rabbit!" she grins, slapping Jisoo's ass as she heads out of the office. Rosé turns to me and Lisa, giving me a knowing side-eye before saying, "Lisa, I forgot my phone in your car, can you grab it for me?"

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