~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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I sighed softly as the last bell of the day rang loudly, closing my notebook from the half sheet of notes we had done to prepare for the next semester

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I sighed softly as the last bell of the day rang loudly, closing my notebook from the half sheet of notes we had done to prepare for the next semester.

The classroom was full of noise as students catcalled to their friends and made plans to see each other over the break. I had already made the plans for over break, and the rest of the break would likely be spent drawing or simply staring at the wall quietly. Although that was the plan, I knew Harper would likely come over at least once in between her family visiting and drag me out of the quiet house.

Standing, I stretched out my back slightly before moving to follow the crowd outside the classroom, heading for the parking lot rather than standing around to say goodbye. The boys, Harper and Skylar had all previously decided to say our temporary farewells at the cars rather than stay inside the crowded school. It worked out well for me, as the only people I would be saying goodbyes to were all people who would be meeting at the cars.

As I made my way towards Harper's car, I smirked as I saw her already leaning up against it with Logan leaning over her slightly. The two had finally gotten together over the past few weeks, and I could tell it was making Harper happier. She was smiling more than usual, and finally had someone who could just hold her hand whenever and wasn't just going to use her.

When I was within hearing distance, I cleared my throat loudly, not wanting to interrupt but also having no desire to witness my best friend and her boyfriend being all over each other. Logan took a small step back and pivoted, staying beside Harper but facing away from the car.

It wasn't long until Oliver, Skylar, and Hunter walked up. Hunter trailed after the couple slightly, looking at his phone with a slight frown. He almost walked straight past the group, but I nudged his shoe with my own, his head jerking up to lock eyes with me. I raised a brow, glancing down at his phone before looking back at him.

He shook his head, "It's nothing. I just have to run and pick up my little brother from school so I can't stay long." I nodded, the small smile that had been present on my face dimmed slightly.

For a moment, I looked down at where my slightly muddy black vans stood next to his mostly clean white shoes. It took a second, before I looked back up and gave him a small smile, "Okay, tell him I say hi, yeah?" Hunter's face lit up a little at me mentioning his little brother, and he nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, sure! And I'll see you at my house on the 23rd right?" I fully smiled and nodded. Hunter's grin widened as well, and he stepped forward slightly, opening his arms a bit. I froze for a moment. It all felt still for a minute.

Stepping closer, I shifted to give him a sideways hug, allowing him to wrap his arms around me in a tight squeeze for a small second before stepping backwards, moving my arms to cross over my stomach. My eyes were tilted down, and I could feel the tips of my ears turning pink.

Hunter stood still for another moment, his own tanned face sporting a light red flush. A throat cleared to the side of us, and I whirled slightly to meet Harper's smug face. Rolling my eyes, I levelled her with a mock glare that resulted in her giggling slightly at my false anger.

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