Chapter 14 _ Do we have a deal?

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I will keep my posting days to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain this same routine all the time, since I'm starting my university next month and changing my current daily routine. But I intend to post at least twice a week (if the routine gets too complicated).


Chapter 14 _ Do we have a deal?

{ [...]

There was something Cale could not understand as he heard Jopis's story.

“Why did Elisneh keep you alive?”

She was the only person in the palace who had realized the illusion. Why did Elisneh keep such a dangerous person alive?

Because she was her younger sister dela? Because of affection for her family


Cale saw a smile appear on Jopis's face.

He could also see the corners of her eyes curl up.

“She said she wanted to see me go crazy.”

Her family was in the palace. The brainwashed people were in Elisneh's hands, pretty much being held hostage in Jopis's eyes.

Furthermore, nobody even tried to believe her.

“Elisneh said that death was too easy of a price to pay for hindering her. She told me to live in sorrow without being able to do anything until I go crazy.”}


"She was very vindictive vengeful that you broke out of her illusion"

"It's just her crazy bitch personality"

Jopis managed to be classy even while cursing her older sister and everyone could see it.

Some nobles were astonished at the grace she displayed. Not even those who have not been torn from their family and exiled can act with all this etiquette and grace.

{There was a sad smile on Jopis's face.

“So I decided to go crazy.”

The smile slowly disappeared before the elegant woman looked toward Cale and continued to speak.

“To be honest with you, who you are is not important to me. I'll gladly sell my soul to the devil if I can get what I want. I've been waiting for someone to give me such a chance.”

“Am I that person?”}

Soo Hyuk smiled at that.

This punk can be worse than a devil if he has to. Cale always does things 200 times as efficiently. But he always makes sure you pay even if it's minimal. Although for him, this payment can be very expensive.

An example is what he did with his friends.

He gave support, confidence, food, a home, precious possessions and, for some, the chance to see the world without being judged and slaughtered.

And what does he ask in return? Work. That simple.

And Cale still assists in the person's work. And all this as an excuse that he is using the person much more than he should.

Being that the person, no, the people, want to do this work and give back what they have earned. It's never Cale forcing them or putting them to work until their bones ache. Especially because, if any of them are in danger, Cale runs to them and stays in front of the danger to protect them.

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